Aethas Forgives Jaina for Mass Ethnic Murder

She does, yes.

Ah. That. “I assume that word has also reached them that Genn
Greymane destroyed their hope,” Sylvanas replied bitterly.
She had taken her flagship, the Windrunner, to Stormheim in the
Broken Isles in search of more Val’kyr to resurrect the fallen. It was,
thus far, the only way Sylvanas had found to create more Forsaken.

“I was almost able to enslave the great Eyir. She would have given
me the Val’kyr for all eternity. None of my people would have ever died
again.” She paused. “I would have saved them.”


Except for the ones she’d let die or kill herself. She also could have just as easily turned them all into Val’kyr, which would have served the same effect. But, y’know, all Val’kyr are literal bound slaves. Regardless, the fact that she didn’t use that justification as a defense of her actions in Stormheim is beyond frustrating.

I don’t see how she’d be able to turn any Forsaken under command into Val’kyr themselves, even with the Soulcage & Eyir.

I’m unfamiliar with anyone turning people into Val’kyr bar Arthas, Odyn, and Helya.

I believe she also mentions not long after than an intention to destroy stormwind as well. Again, we don’t know if Nathanos was aware of the Jailer at this point(or ever became aware of his plans) so she may have had to lie to him as well just like she did with her people. The Pause is simply there as she is she manipulates the true meaning behind “saving them”

Eyir was Helya’s replacement for Odyn and fully capable of creating Val’kyr.


I “think” she told Nathanos the truth in Dark Mirror actually. Or whatever the “Truth” was back then; which would have changed to “her truth” in this whole Shadowlands nonsense.

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Honestly, however much you think Sylvanas doesn’t care about the Forsaken, Nathanos doesn’t care twice as hard. Dude would probably blow up the entire universe if it meant he could bang Sylvanas and chill with his dogs forever. She wouldn’t really need to dress anything up for him.


See this is what I mean about “Vague” and “Opaque”. Blizz always does this sort of crap almost exclusively regarding Sylvanas’ relation to the Forsaken. There’s this weird “film” of implied stretched or ulterior meanings whenever she says something that might or should just show genuine concern for her people. Its a trait that is not shared when referring to her relations to her sisters or Nate.

EDIT: Also, none of the Forsaken new why they were in Stormheim, she didn’t let even the leaders know the specifics outside Nate. She also openly, albeit momentarily, regrets “giving the Forsaken Free Will” as well in that same BtS. So … y’know … its a thing. Not a great thing, but its certainly an irritating thing.

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They were there to get the Aegis for the war effort. Sylvanas spends most of Stormheim on her own doing her own thing off-screen by herself and you spend most of your questing time with Nathanos doing Vrykul stuff and fighting the Alliance.

Except for that random journal from that random Forsaken ship captain that apparently knows about the Valkyr plan that exists so people can argue on forums about it or whatever. Damn you, inexplicably well informed dead guy.


Kinda? See if I recall that book, despite its ruined entries, the Captain of that vessel never knew exactly WHAT Sylvie’s gameplan was. Rather he merely was instructed that Sylvie was up to something BIG for the future of the Forsaken within the region, and they needed to really buckle down. But, no, as far as we’re aware, no one really knew what Sylvie was doing in her side project outside of Nate. Not EVEN Genn, who had his and Roger’s attempted assassination of the Horde’s new Warchief whitewashed into oblivion; to the point the Horde wasn’t even allowed to really react to it. He never actually new what she was doing, because no one really did; and was only validated in his attack years later … kinda on blind luck.

There’s a reason his big “Hero Sting” moment was about Varian and his Son.


It says something about “the power of the V-” and then cuts off which seems pretty specific, though I suppose you could say maybe he said vrykul and was talking about the Aegis or something. Definitely the vibe overall is that it wasn’t a widely known thing, though.


Reminder: If you are Horde, including Forsaken, Sylvanas leaves you to your fate in Hel.
Just like when she pays Azshara to kill you.

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Legion-BfA took too many characters from us. Losing Gallywix, Nathanos, Saurfang, Sylvanas and Vol’jin really destroyed the Horde’s personality.


Yeah but Vol’Jin might come back some day

if Blizzard remembers or cares

or didn’t consider the whole thing mostly cut shadowlands content


He’ll return to sit on the floor as True God Malfurion saves the world, outpowering and outshining lesser false god Vol’jin as lesser false god Vol’jin praises him.


I doubt blizzard cares about Malfurion anymore than they care about Vol’jin, honestly. If they wanted him as “True God” then they wouldn’t have made him a whiny snit during Val’sharah and he would have had a larger part to play during the whole battle for Dark Shore bit. He also would have had a part to play during Tyrande’s descent into Wrath of Elune madness. Instead he was left at home.

Even now he’s getting booted to the Ardenweald retirement home so Ysera can come out of hers. He’ll likely get forgotten again.

They’re literally sending him to the night elven afterlife to become a god just so that when Vol’jin does it, the Alliance will also have a new god who is even more powerful.

Blizzard only does parity when it benefits the Alliance.


Maybe I missed the part where it says he was sent to Ardenweald to obtain godhood… :confused:

What’s funny is that Ysera and Malfurion traded places explicitly so Ysera could do one specific thing.
She did that thing and gave a peptalk to her daughter.
There is now no reason for her to remain. She did what we needed her to. She can go back to Arbysworld now.

But she hasn’t yet. Mlafurion is out napping on the dirt and Ysera is just chilling on the Dragon Isles.
She’s had a taste of life again, and she’s not going back.


Ysera: I’m alive again and ready to live life to the fullest!

*immediately goes into a decade long nap*