Aethas Forgives Jaina for Mass Ethnic Murder


Niiiiiiice blizzard, really niiiiiiiiiiiiiice.


: /



The g-word is a bit hyperbolic, but the purge was still pretty bad. And Aethas’s behavior is beyond ridiculous. Unless he’s in love with her. That’s the only possible explanation that makes sense at this point.


This should surprise no one, especially considering the only time Jaina’s been taken to task for her part in the Purge of Dalaran was by Magister Halthorel in Battle for Azeroth, who was framed by the writers as a maniacal villain consorting with Sylvanas to get vengeance against Jaina.

This is a tangent, but I really want the Nightborne and Blood Elves to form their own magic-oriented society so they don’t have to play second fiddle to a bunch of humans who are their “superiors” as in the Kirin Tor. Let’s leave the human bootlicking to the High Elves.


If it happened to the Alliance it would be cold iron fact.
But I changed it to Ethnic Murder because cleansing seems too nice to Jaina.


The elves in this game need writers that actually care.

After the Scourging they have had to deal with Garithos, alliance agression in BC and the purge of dalaran in MoP.

Yet we have blood elves trying to appease and join the alliance when we should be one of the most anti-alliance races in the game. It’s a bit odd that dalaran/kirin tor was involved in two different traumatic events against the blood elves.

Blizzard plays with heavy topics like bigotry and genocide but they don’t give them the respect they are due. There should be consequences for an ethnic cleansing or burning a world tree full of elves.


it does read very romantic. he’s literally scaping the sea bed looking for something precious to her.

He’s already setting the bar pretty high.

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Not shocking in the slightest.

Just like any other time the Alliance is allowed to rarely fringe on “Grey”, its time to bury it under validations (even from its victims) and white wash the absolute crap out of it. Blizz has been walking the Purge of Dalaran back for years. Hell, most people don’t even remember how into the whole event Vareesa was. And thank goodness the part of the MoP scenario where its revealed that Aethas had nothing to do with the stealing of the Bell; Rather found out about it moments after it was too late to stop it … and was given the choice to throw his people into the fire of either Orc Hitler or Jaina … was bugged out of the scenario. “Nuance” is not allowed!


Another possibility: He wants to be on the good side of one of the most powerful mages currently living on Azeroth.

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That’s it!
I’m reposting it!

Aethas approaches Jaina, index fingers pressed together as he looks down at his feet to avoid eye contact.

"H-hey Jaina.
I’m sooooooo sowwy fow making uwu commit the puwge.
I’m sowwy i made uwu impwison awnd enabwe the hawming awnd muwdew of innocent peopwe.

I-I-I took the most impowtant Bwood Ewven awtifact awnd gave iwt tuwu dawawan!
B-but if thawt’s wasn’t enough, then I’ww get uwu sowme wandom music box uwu wost.

Cause i’m sooooooooo sowwy!"


LMAO I swear man I can’t freaking believe this


Renewal means renewal.


Does it not make sense that he wants to be friendly with all the mages who are stronger than he is?
Why do you think he came crawling back to the Kirin Tor in Legion? A sense of duty?
Or the benefits of having them as friends?

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Jaina went from the blood elves’ arch-enemy in MoP 1 to Lor’themar Theron’s raid buddy in MoP 2; she even made the shortlist to his wedding. If the Magister Hathorels of the world were holding out for justice before, they can forget about it now.

But honestly, this venture is pretty in-character for Aethas, hopeless clotpole that he is. My problem is more that Jaina has done nowhere near as much to earn this goodwill; about the most grace she’s ever shown concerning the purge is admitting that its victims have a valid quarrel with her. I’d think better of this plot thread if they both took steps towards reconciliation, not just the Horde guy (because of course it’s just the Horde guy).


They have been doing this for every genocide. The Horde hasn’t done a thing to earn good will either.

This is just Blizzard deals with conflict.
Ignore, move along, sign the non-disclosure… renewal document.


My hypothesis remains that elves reproduce in sun fish sized egg clutches and mature at alarming speeds. Hence the eyebrows, which are actually antenna, because they’re insectoid.

Explains why they seem to get over genocides both numerically and emotionally with great speed.


I need my characters to be brooding and miserable over horrible historical events for the rest of their lives. Any and all moving forward and character development for their own mental well-being should be replaced with a stagnant, endless quest for revenge\justace that will never come. Alternatively every character should get justice/revenge against a race or other character who has wronged them so there are only 400 people left on Azeroth