Aethas Forgives Jaina for Mass Ethnic Murder

There’s a reason she was called “Ysera the Dreamer” after all.

It’s silly that anyone expected Ysera to stay dead.
The Night Elf cast doesn’t lose real characters.
Even when Afrasiabi was in charge, they made a brand new character to kill for BFA.
Meanwhile the Horde bled Sylvanas, Nathanos, Saurfang, and I feel like I’m forgetting someone???


That fat, mean, but endlessly amusing goblin guy people whined about for years. I mourn his loss more than all the others.

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Gallywix. And some would add Rastakhan—I understand the argument against it, but he still felt like a loss.


I don’t understand the argument against it.
Zandalari were the billed race for BFA. We knew we were getting them.
We also lost Zul, who was so hecking cool.
And Rezan. A powerful god.

I think he similarly falls into Kael’thas territory. It’s a shame Rastakhan was lost considering how big of a presence he was suppose to be for the trolls.


It’s hardly anything new that Alliance NPCs get special protections while Horde NPCs get tossed out like trash.

Current tally on the Beyond the Dark Portal Alliance Characters vs their Horde counterparts:

Turalyon - Alive, leading the Alliance.
Alleria - Alive, co-leading the void elves.
Khadgar - Alive, neutral NPC.
Danath Trollbane - Alive, currently king of the recently restored Stromgarde
Kurdran Wildhammer - Alive, member of the Council of Three Hammers

vs Horde
Grom Hellscream - Dead
Kargath Bladefist - Dead (Killable boss in BC)
Dentarg - Dead
Kilrogg Deadeye - Dead
I could list Deathwing here but he wasn’t actually a “Horde NPC”. Either way though, dead.


I’ve already said this but I find it utterly frustrating that Rastakhan had to die for the sake of a “passing the torch” type of narrative as if such a cool and exhilirating character couldn’t possibly get repurposed for future plotlines

Meanwhile Katherine Proudmoore, who was literally just the narrative equivalent of Rastakhan for the Alliance on every imaginable level, is still alive and even got screentime in Shadows Rising smh


Staaaap putting salt in the Horde side of my bleeding heart! :rofl:

RPG wise it feels really frustrating play Horde unless your a DH, DK or Evoker were your priorities seem more focus on the Legion, Scourge or Primalist threats. (IMO)


Yeah, but you just know that if she’d died, they would have had the Horde kill her. (There was speculation that this was Sylvanas’ plan for Derek, but it was never confirmed.)


I remember hearing somewhere that one of the potential reasons for getting rid of him so quickly was that Blizzard was uncomfortable with keeping a name like ‘Rastakhan’ in use. I think the name was a bit silly, but the character was criminally underutilized in my opinion. Both with rolling back the Cata/MoP plot with Zul to make Rastakhan be a supporter of his just so they could add a betrayal arc, and in killing him off so quickly. There were so many fun lore angles to explore with this ancient king, and the levelling quests made him such a fun character, that it was such a shame to see him killed off in a storyline as mishandled and counterproductive as the Siege of Dazar’alor.


Vulpera are fine too. We are really only here for the loot.

“Dolly and Dot are my best friends, they pull my wagon through dunes of sand
they have small teeth and they love to eat, they’re the best 'pacas in all the land!”


That’s basically like saying the only non-frustrating way to play horde is to pretend your character isn’t horde. Which, yeah I get what you mean because I’ve said that too, but I think that’s a sign of how screwed up the faction has become.

It’s not a primary barrier to me playing an evoker (I’m having difficulty getting into the aesthetics and gameplay for some reason) but it’s hard to really want to put myself into an in-universe look with my dracthyr alt because of them being neutral and how it’s stressed that they’re supposed to be their own thing instead of “really” being in the faction.


No justice, no peace

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That is so Jan. As in, last January.

It seems you wanted to make some statement? You really moved the needle…

You better get ready for 0 justice and all kinds of peace. LOL to you

Let us pave the path of glory for the Alliance with the skulls of misbegotten Draenei… Oh, that has been done. Well, instead, boiled cabbage patch babbie soup, when?