Aethas Forgives Jaina for Mass Ethnic Murder

I don’t understand why you all think Faranell is wholesome. He was the guy who did horrendous things to a gnome and watched giddily as flesh peeled off living test subjects when testing the plauge.

He was one of the first people to dehumanize the Forsaken from the living.

Yet, the way some of you talk about him like he’s some quirky grandpa with a cat.

Are we experiencing the same Forsaken story? The one where they were never “cute” but legit war criminals?

I think the thing about Faranell is that he’s so over-the-top that he kinda turns into dark comedy. Like the Addams Family. You stop taking it seriously at some point.

The problem with the Forsaken since day one is that the writers have been trying to have it both ways—dark comedy and SRS BSNS at the same time. They managed it for a while, but at some point they fell off the tightrope and have been flailing ever since.


Her story is actually pretty in-line with standard Forsaken metrics, minus mind enslavement to the Scourge.
She was rejected by those she thought she could trust, who imprisoned and attempted to kill her.
She then became filled with so much spite and anger that she became a Scarlet killing machine and moved on to Scourge when she ran out of Scarlets.
She also struggled to accept her own horrific nature, choosing to lose herself in her bloody work instead, which led her to having a mental break in WoD.

Voss is a fairly good Forsaken character. It’s just they missed showing us the part where the Forsaken helped her come to terms with herself and gave her a place to belong.
It’s there. Voss says it happened.
They just didn’t show us cause Blizz bad.


All I want is for Blizzard to stop dropping the ball on the Forsaken.

I think my original point was just don’t assume a change in Forsaken ideals too quickly. There are still two war criminals on the Desolate Council.

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She’s a good undead character. But her experiences since being raised don’t really parallel those who became actual Forsaken.

As you know, I still prefer her as a non-Undercity-aligned free agent. I know that ship has sailed, but I still consider it a bad decision and regret the character she could have been instead of what we have.


The funniest part of their DBZ-brain is that it’s so unevenly distributed.

It’s an endless pattern of “Give the Alliance character a massive boost, they weren’t strong enough, okay, now kill off a Horde leader”

The Alliance were friggin raid bosses and came out of it with no casualties and Mekkatorque becoming iron man. Meanwhile his equivalent leader… is a construction foreman… but a really good one?


To be fair, she was never really Anti-Undead tho. Its that whole “forcibly raising and enslavement through Undeath” thing she despised. And she was still pretty Anti-Necromancy in BfA … she was just being conscripted through threat into dealing with it. I actually liked her with Stone at least.

Do you know who else was anti-necromancy until Legion?


Nothing matters. Blizzard can and will destroy any character motivation for plot.


Yeah but we jumped from insane psycho anti-necromancy to undead-Saurfang in a blink of an eye. Was there some sort of development that was missed or off screen?

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Kinda in the background? She’s been consistantly winding down since she “completed” her MoP revenge trip, but its been VERY background questy. She had a little chain in the WoD Garrison inn about getting some blades for her, but she was pretty chilled out in that. Then she’s very mellow in the Legion Rogue Order Hall. That’s not to say the jump to “Forsaken” leader wasn’t a hell of a jump, but she hasn’t been Psycho Revenge for quite a while.

She got her revenge … and she kinda moved on. The focus was just so rarely on HOW she moved on.

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For whatever reason, some people seem to find it very easy to paper over that gap. For others (like me), it’s a real sticking point. Frankly, I consider nuVoss to be functionally a new character.

I didn’t realize she showed up in WoD, though. Someone at Blizzard must really like her, because there are faction leaders who go longer between appearances.


I’m with you of NuVoss to the point where BFA made her seem almost ooc.

Although, I do feel like they may have over-santized her down to a husk shell of her former self.

I did feel a little bit like they were walking back that out of characterization a bit in the For Lordaeron quest. But I am baffled at her inclusion in Lorethemar’s wedding.


Honestly, I have never understood the appeal of Voss. To me, she is a very uninteresting character.

My guess up until now was that the repartition was as follows :

  • Faranell represents the RAS, and probably the lesser undead races
  • Belmont represents the intel and maybe overall military matters
  • Velonara represents the Dark Rangers (both Sin’dorei and Kaldorei)
  • Calia represents… herself. Maybe the few weirdoes who still wield the Light too. And as you said, she’s the one for diplomatic matters, that’s for sure.
  • Voss represents the civil Forsaken society.

Though Voss is FAR from being super legitimate in occupying this position lol

This thread is literally moving backwords though time on its way to 2000 posts about things everyone “hates” that are hardly ever going to be relevant again.

So how is everyone else enjoying Dragonflight?


One of the few developments I’d want out of Calia is in a resurgence with the Cult of Forgotten Shadow.

Except forget the Forgotten Shadow cause Legion ruined it and have her head a new sect that actually embraces the original philosophy of the Cult and balances Light with Shadow.

As much as the Pallid Lady title is cringe, it sorta works with that imagery of Light mixed with Dark. And we get actual Discipline Spec representation.
And bonus points if utilizing the Shadow causes Calia similar pain that the Light does for normie Undead.


My lowkey bet is someday Calia will be seen as a threat to the Forsaken, either trying to Lightforge people without consent or to hand the Forsaken over to the Scarlet Brotherhood, which triggers the best of Voss as being a protector of the Forsaken.

And the Forsaken goes back to being what it was before the magnifying glass of BFA landed on this faction, leaving it broken and exposed.

Forsaken were best when they operated under the “leave me alone, let me do my own thing.” Branch of the Horde.

To me, it’s because she’s a pretty cut-and-dry representation of the typical forsaken experience that they’re supposed to be seen as having gone through, even if she ultimately didn’t join the faction itself until BFA. That she was a former Scarlet adds an additional layer of ironic self-loathing into the mix.

If I remember right, she was still rather manic by then. She doesn’t want you looking at her, and she’s still fixated on murdering necromancers.


Yep. She, Derek, and the one Tidecaller guy from BFA were really well done Forsaken stories

Calia is… bleh. Awful.

Zelling deserved better.