Aethas Forgives Jaina for Mass Ethnic Murder

And Rhonin didn’t know him as well as Aethas.

The goblins for one. Those guys would probably get you what you want for the right price.

And that is not the problem of the night elves. The night elves had one demand for trade, find the people responsible for skinning their people alive and bring them to justice and they would continue trade. Sounds reasonable to me and the yet the Horde failed to do so.

And do you think Ashenvale itself had food? It certainly had game but the orcs were quite literally more interested in the lumber/natural resouces of the place. Even Thrall mentioned that had they tightened their belt they might have still been able to weather the problems of the Catacylsm with or without trade from the night elves.

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The Warsong Outriders and Defilers disagree.

And Aethas did not know that Thalen was a Horde loyalist.

Where from?
From Night Elves lands? That is true.
But then we are back to square one.

No, that is still a whole other incident not at all related to the shattering.

The Night Elves were trading with the Horde before The Wrath Gate incident, and the Wrath Gate incident was the cited reasoning for them stopping the trade. So yes, it seems they did indeed have food?

My God.

But not the Horde as a whole… not even the orcs as a whole.

they tried genociding the humans, they attacked the nelves, then after supposely it was all over, the warsong attack the nelves, again, the undead attack the alliance, and then they do nothing about the terriorist attacks attacking the druids. horde literally deserve everything they get, they are the russia of the game, have cause nothing but death, and destruction since they got here and they never owned up to it.


What Horde players? Its nothing but Alliance players bickering atm. The only comments from Horde players are from me, and that was me just classically complaining about how Blizz handles the two factions in general. The Purge was just a single example of that.

From other contacts The goblins could easily be a middleman for the Horde to trade with others group, not just the night elves.

This is the reason for the night elves stopping trade.

But not enough, or more precisely the food angle was only part of the reason the orcs wanted Ashenvale. They still wanted its resources as much as any food stuff it might have had.

The Horde still sanctioned those group to attack the Alliance.

In WC3 - as I pointed out.

Eeeeeeh… the Night Elves actually attacked first.

As I pointed out. But that was not the Horde or even the orcs as a whole. As a matter of fact, Thrall just told the Night Elves: “Kill them then… they are on their own”

Twillight’s Hammer attacks on the druids?
Which Garrosh knew nothing about?
Which no one seemed to know anything about at all?

Have you people actually tried to look into the story?!

As a side note, if Aethas truly wanted to make it up to Jaina he would be looking for Thaelen’s head rather then some music box.


What contacts? The goblins that joined the Horde lived on an island far away from everyone else.

It… was… NOT.

-The Shattering- states specifically, that the Night Elves blamed the Horde for the Wrath Gate incident and thus stopped trading with the orcs. Which Garrosh was mad about, because as he mentioned, it was a tragedy for both sides.

But they had enough? It was never mentioned they didn’t, just that they seemingly unreasonably stopped trade. Stop filling it with your own headcanon.

As a matter of fact, they did not.

literally a part of the horde, and thrall didnt do anything to stop them.

they knew read that book again, they did nothing again, Like I said the horde needs to learn some responsibility

cant wait for my present from tyrande


I did read it.

Knew what?

Garrosh first learned of the attack when Cairne came in screaming accusations at him.

Or are you also speaking of an entirely different event NOT related to the shattering?

There was like 2 attacks

Arh right, the skinning of the night elven sentinels. Which also happened after the Night Elves stopped all trade with the orcs following the Wrath Gate incident.

As said, the Night Elves stopped all trade with the orcs because of the Wrath Gate incident.

You know that there are other goblins. The Steamweedle trades with both factions.

Seemed like they had plenty of reasons to stop.

And the book mentioned the trade only recently stopped. The Alliance/Horde clearly had a treaty. It was even mentioned. Assuming all trade stopped it was part of said treaty so the Horde had agree as well to stop any trade/were ok with it at the time.

Thrall knew about the warsong outrider and he did nothing. That makes it sanctioned.

stopping trade isnt a act of war

Individual princes, perhaps.
But as the story is written, the Night Elves were the only viable to trade with.

The Wrath Gate incident? Which hurt both sides?

The trade stopped as a result of the Wrath Gate incident which the Night Elves blamed on the Horde.

The following attack by some mysterious horde members was a result of what many orcs considered unfairly brutal - was a break on the treaty.

No, it was not approved.

But the reasoning for the war is quite understandable.
I wouldn’t be in the shoes of a leader whose people were starving and everyone around me refused to trade. Being newly appointed while at the same time having everyone, outside and inside accusing me of everything. Not an easy position to be in.

they refused cause the horde kept attacking the alliance, its insane to give any resources to someone who wants nothing more than to genocide your people

No, that is still not the reason.
As I have already explained.
The reason was the Wrath Gate Incident.
You know, when Putress and his rebel-group of forsaken decided to throw plague bombs on the Horde, Alliance and Scourge?

The Night Elves blamed the Horde for that.

The reason the Night Elves were then attacked, is because some orcs found the trade being disrupted as a result of that to be unfairly brutal. But the orcs were also on the brink of famine, suffering unusual droughs due to elemental disruptions, much of the Horde’s supplies was used in the war against the scourge.

Morale was low, anger rising.

they had a way out, and they took war, they arent the victims lol