Aethas Forgives Jaina for Mass Ethnic Murder

By that point Garrosh had: Attempted to wipe out, or heavily weaken, the Forsaken and Sylvanas by using them as a distraction on EK. Thats why he threw them at the Walls of Gilneas, and why he rejected their use of Blight. He wanted heavy casualties. Even as far back as Cata he was doing this crap.

His attack on Theramore is even more fun; where he deliberately turned it into a Horde meatgrinder to increase the chances of A) The bomb working, and B) More priority targets being there when it dropped. He also lined the forces subjected to that meatgrinder with those that frequently disagreed with him. Jin and his Darkspear; Baine and his Tauren; Eitrigg and his Faction of Orcs 
 to cull their numbers. He then proceeded to orchestrate the bombing of a tavern filled with pissed off survivors of Theramore to cull them more. And that doesn’t even get into Wix’s short story, dealing with a possible future where a Pandaren relic is found that Wix hides from Garrosh because of how dangerous it is; only for Garrosh to eradicate the entirety of the Bilgewater’s population in turn.

By that point, Garrosh was just trying to kill anyone he deemed a prospective dissonant; and had proved remarkably ruthless and creative in his approach. He was nuts. Lets not underestimate what crossing him would have meant, especially for the BE peoples stuck in Horde occupied territories.

It is in the book, read it.

No, it is not blamed on Thrall.
You are thinking of another incident. (but that incident was NOT twillight’s hammer agents, that was indeed Warsong Clan members)

But he couldn’t? They were on the brink of famine
 what part of that is it that you are missing? They were running out of food, that is what on the brink of famine means.

What does logging have to do with famine? The orcs did not need wood, Garrosh actually did wisely here, he used what ressources they actually had and rebuilt Orgrimmar with the minerals they had after a wild fire.

That is of course a problem, yes.
But the main land Blood Elves would not have been in danger
 at all. And with them in the talks with the Alliance, which would have gone through had Aethas reported to Jaina, they would have been in even less danger.

As you said, the forsaken were already wasted, they would not have the strength to oppose the Blood Elves. The orcs themselves would have too long to go to get to Quel’thalas, and they would be highly ineffective then once they came.

The only Blood Elves in danger, would have been the ones with the main Horde troops and who would be sucker punched out of nowhere.

And I again need to refer to Aethas here. He expected consequences no matter what; he knew he was stuck. He just sided to cross Jaina because of again “It was his vote that broke the tie and committed Dalaran to aiding Theramore”, and expected more lenience from her than Garrosh. Rather than crossing Garrosh, who was in full swing “kill anyone who looks at me funny, and their families” mode by then.

Which is why it was shocking that he was the only one to get a “For the Horde” moment in SLs lol! “His Horde” was largely just ex Dark Horde and Cata Dragonmaw. Everyone else needed to be pushed out or eradicated. Even any Orc who didn’t follow him blindly. Seriously? What the hell Blizz?

Discipled Karlain was clearly having difficulty restraining his anger and pain. Aethas, the leader of the Sunreavers, who had recommended Thaelin Songweaver still wore his helmet, so Jaina could not see his face-page 249

Your move, find me your passage showing Rhonin had an influence in the selection.

Everyone was having problems with the Catacylsm, they were not the only one suffering. And again, had Thrall dealt with the whole Twilight Hammer incident the night elves were willing to trade. In fact they were doing so just until the Twlight Hammer decided to skin night elves.

Resources to be sold for food, hell with all that lumber he could build his own fleet of ship to actually catch fish and feed his supposed starving people. The problem here is Garrosh didnt just want resources to feed his people. He wanted his people to expand and effective create a new city in Ashenvale, hopefully named after him!

That war was more then one for survival.


I see horde players still mad at jaina for being mad at them for the whole massive war crimes


"The four premier magi Rhonin had selected were Tari Cogg, one of
the foremost gnome magi in Dalaran; Amara Leeson, a human mage
with long black hair and a pinched-looking face whose cross expression belied a kind heart; Thoder Windermere, whose massive physical
build and roughed-up features would make one think he was a warrior
rather than one of the deftest spellcasters Jaina had ever met; and, to
her surprise, Thalen Songweaver, a Sunreaver, slender, sharp-featured, and with hair the color of moonlight."
Page 158, line 10 counted from bottom

Clearly not, the Night Elves could trade. Chose not to on account of the Wrath Gate incident, which they blamed on the Horde, despite it being, as Garrosh pointed out, a tragedy for both sides.

So no, the Night Elves WERE NOT willing to trade. Read the story - it is free.

If fishing was an option they wouldn’t be on the brink of famine already. They also already had ships, they managed an entire blockade on Theramore with ships.

Who knows what happened to fish
 but did you know that overfishing and overhunting can destroy ecological surroundings? Natural catastrophes can also do this.

All we know is, that the orcs was on the brink of famine.

A country doesnt need to give up its resources just cause another wants them


Absolutely true.

But as a very fair comparison.

I would not blame a father of a little, starving child to steal food or assault someone to get food.

Children whom were also part of the starving in Orgrimmar.

It is not so much that I condone violence and war
 but I understand why it happened.

My goodness this is embarassing. We are basically licking Alliance boots. If they wanted to ignore the Purge just ignore it, don’t make us apology for it again. At this point the Purge was closer to the start of WoW than today. I have mained Belves from BC until DF when I switched to Evoker. This is just painful seeing us once more forced to grovel before humans.

I dunno how you can say that with the current events that are going on today, specially since every single time the horde has invaded for resources they following up with extermination of the people

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Garrosh and Sylvanas reached points where they went too far.

As I already wrote in my earlier posts.

But their wars were foreseeble and preventable.

and Aethas helpped garrosh, he is at fault, glad we can agree

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He did not
 not actively atleast.

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His actions lead to war crimes.

And the latter quote I mentioned says it was actually Aethas who selected him. I interpret it to mean it was Aethas who picked him but Rhonin agreed to let him join. Still the onus would be on Aethas to determined who was best to send.

And the Horde could have chosen to trade with someone else. No one is oblige to continue or even allow trade as we have seen with recent world events.

And all I know is the Horde wanted to attack and get resources for the night elves when their allies had their own resources they could have exploited first.


jaina was one of the only alliance characters actually a villain to the horde.
but they made us work with her in BfA in Shadowlands. really annoying.


And we had to work with Thrall, a guy who turned a blind eye while the Warsong Outriders were harrassing the night elves or letting the Horde invade Stromgarde.

Let’s not forget Vol’jin supported Garrosh until he got betrayed by him.


Whose actions?

Rhonin still selected him.

Who? Someone else on the other side of the world?

Yes, there were possibly many options. But why were they not trading before then? Probably because
 oh no, they didn’t have anything the orcs actually needed or they could part ways with, but the Night Elves did.

Which one of them?
The Tauren are not known to have vast quantities of food.
The Darkspear trolls was in the same situation as the orcs.
The Goblins - likewise.
The Forsaken are the Forsaken.
The Blood Elves are on the Eastern Kingdoms, and who even knows if they could spare food
 do you know the situation the Blood Elves are in themselves?

maybe if the horde didnt have a history of invading their neighbors people would be willing to trade with them during a time of need


They haven’t invaded before since WC3.

There was some trouble with the Warsong Clan that had a hard time accepting the peace though, that is true.