Aethas Forgives Jaina for Mass Ethnic Murder

What could they do?

Find out who skinned the night elves and turned them in to Alliance justice.


But that was not the reason trade stopped?

Is it really hard to understand that trade stopped because the Night Elves blamed the Horde for the Wrath Gate Incident?

The reading seems fairly simple to me.

The treaty they had was as per Varian " designed to promote peace and cooperation". If the Horde was interested in actually restarting trade it would have need to deal with a violation of said treaty first.

Not sure if you know but this was actually retconed.
They made it so Sylvanas was behind it.


This too, the Wrath Gate was indirectly Sylvanas fault.

and no, this is not a retconned. We were just never told how directly involved Sylvanas was, we did know she was involved.

Violation of the treaty happened after trade was ended.

That was not disclosed, no one knew this, in game atleast.

No they didn’t lol

That was one offhand interview statement.

That’s not the case in the game nor the Sylvanas book which one hopes supercedes random off cuff statements in legitimacy.

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And we saw the night elves were willing to negociate before Renferal and crew got slaughter. So agian, had Thrall dealt with it, the world would be better off.

It was what the Alliance as a whole believed and ultimately was true.

And the Horde was unreasonably blamed for that again.

As was pointed out as well.

It was also not an outright confirmed statement
 Afrasiabi just set it up as a possibility.

“According to an interview with Alex Afrasiabi, Sylvanas was indeed apparently responsible for the attack, although the exact extent to which she was involved remains unclear. It was later revealed in [World of Warcraft: Sylvanas] that her involvement was giving Putress permission to create the New Plague and instructing him to not waste the chance to deploy the blight against Arthas, that should the chance come it must not be squandered. Furthermore Sylvanas noted to herself that had Arthas died at the Wrath Gate she would have countered all the loss of life at Angrathar worth it.”

Yeah he was wrong lol

I played the in game event and read the book published long after his disgraced rear fled the company. Both contradict this lol

Bunk lore


From Chronicles 3:

But the plague had been created at her direction. Sylvanas was willing to take Vengence against the Lich King at almost any cost, even by making a weapon as deadly as the plague. Whether she was aware that Putresss and Varimathras were planning to use the concotion remained a mystery. Rumors persisted that she knew about the attack at the Wrath Gate beforehand, and her denials did not assuage the doubts of her detractors.

So she was responsible for wanting it to be used on Arthas, but not in a “Death to the living” campaign - that is nothing new.

I bolded and cursived the keyword.

My dude, he wrote the lore, he was a dev for Blizzard

Look, this weird “No you guys are really the evil ones” is cringe enough on a normal day, its Chrismas. I ain’t about to get into it.
As I said 10000 times on these forums ‘if you don’t like the story that’s fine, but if the writer says its canon its canon.’

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But he did not say it is canon?

That is what was said.

Again, nothing new.

The book also makes it clear that while Sylvanas did not know the extent of Putress deception, she also didnt care as well if collateral damage occured.

And I am stating why people might not have cared ingame whether they did or did not know she did it. As far as they were concerned she knew and the official lore is she did know about it, and while she didn’t care if collateral damage was caused in kiling Arthas, she didn’t exactly want the Wrath Gate either.

you need to read that book again, it might not be why the trade stopped but its what the alliance put down, its almost like if the people getting killed at the peace talk is bad and should be looked into.


I am not posting the link again. If any of you want to WoW PVP me about whos really the ebil guys you can duel my WW Monk in game.