Aethas Forgives Jaina for Mass Ethnic Murder

Biggest disservice to Worgen players is leaving Gilneas in permanent purgatory, such a cool looking city that is dead and lifeless.


That heritage mog was a pretty big slap, too.


Seriously. It’ll always be funny to me I literally stumbled into Worgen content on my playthrough.

I rolled one and did Gilneas. And I was standing there assuming there’d be a concurrent Blue questline in Silverpine. As the Horde one outright sets up the idea there are some daring Worgen commandos you never encounter. And also ends with the Worgen’s uh, having Gilneas. There’s a truce at Greymane’s Wall and then they attack Hillsbrad from Gilneas. It’s like a whole thing.

Maybe that’s a higher level questline, I thought?

So I said screw it I’ll figure it out later and went to Duskwood and the Blasted Lands as I’d remembered seeing some Worgen there. And like three questlines later I’d run the well dry in EK. I googled it there was no more Alliance Worgen content.

So I say screw it I’m playing an Outlaw Rogue. Ill go do Booty Bay as I never have and got this pirate thing going for me at least.

And I tripped into a really awesome Worgen Pirate questline that actually follows up some pretty minor plot threads set up in Vanilla.

I found the coolest worgen content while looking for worgen content on accident.


It really doesn’t matter what’s vaguely implied in some interview nobody remembers if it’s never manifested in the actual game and story.


Neither did Jaina being the most powerful mage though.

I’m not clear on what part this is a response to, sorry.

It never manifested in the story that Jaina is the most powerful mage.

All we know is, that she is more active than other mages.

Thus far, the closest we have to a disclosure of any “power-scaling” of mages, is the word of a creative developer.


Well considering she flew a ship to the undercity, fired magical canons and froze an entire cities worth of blight I’d say that’s pet telling since it was all in game.


But how truly impressive is that?

When even weakened Blood Elven mages could use what little magic they could siphon, to raise huge blocks of stone to rebuild half of a large city “seemingly over night”.

With concentrated power, would they not be able to fly a ship also?

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When one character is consistently portrayed doing things that other characters don’t over many years of content, you have to assume it’s a deliberate narrative choice. It is not as if those other characters have not shown up and had opportunity.

In fact they go so far at one point as to have Thalyssra run away in fear from Jaina at one point.


When one character is consistently portrayed doing things that other characters don’t do, I assume it is because that one character is given far more of a spotlight than other characters.

Which is not false when it comes to Jaina.

And yes… but that is Thalyssra.

But also important to remember, Thalyssra stating: “We can not fight her here” which is true, it is a terrible place for a battle for the Horde, where they are extremely, excessively outnumbered.

Also, when Jaina’s first thought when confronted by adversity by a Sunreaver mage when freeing Baine, is to retreat.

So was Jaina also just fearful of a disgruntled sunreaver mage?

It is not that Jaina is -weak- by any stretch of the imaginations. Mages in Warcraft in general seem to be quite powerful, with even a single average mage being able to destroy entire cities if given enough time, as was stated in some story if I remember correctly. And she is above the average mage, as far as I am concerned.

But thus far, the only factual statement we have, is that she is the most powerful human sorceress.

We have not seen impressive feats from other mages, because they have not had entire, cinematic cutscenes dedicated to them.


This would be a great argument if it were true, but unfortunately that’s not the actual line. It is simply ‘we cannot fight her’.

And they proceed to not fight her, and get caught by her very easily, with seemingly no ability to retaliate.


Listen, people, the Worgen are having to forgive the Forsaken for what they did, the Night elves for pretty much everything the Horde did. People are going to be doing a lot of forgiving. Deal with it.

Blood elf players are second only to Night elves in melodrama. A single blood elf slain by a human hand? This is the worst ETHNIC GENOCIDE that has ever occurred in the game! The fact that people think Blood elves are still motivated by Garithos is just, lol.


I may very well have misremembered that scene, such a long time ago.

But point still stands.

Is Jaina less in power than the average Sunreaver, because her first thought was to escape him? Or is Thalyssra just weaker than the average Sunreaver?

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Yes but they still got away.

When has being the strongest anything ever result with the given conclusion?
Its an empty title that serves nothing…

Hey, atleast the Night Elves and Worgen were attacked by obvious enemies.

The Blood Elves had to deal with being betrayed by those they thought of as friends and allies.

Both in TBC and then in MoP.

Well, the Silvermoon City Blood Elves didn’t like the Kirin’tor that much.

I’d give this some merit if Thalyssra (or any elven mage) had any examples of them doing something even half as impressive as what Jaina has been shown to do repeatedly. We already know Jaina isn’t afraid of Sunreavers because we’ve seen her annihilate Aethas’ entire guard regiment, for example.

Which is my point. What actually happens is 100x more important than what the devs say totally could happen hypothetically if they wanted it to but never will. There’s only so many times one can console themselves with “well in the LORE its SUPPOSED to be X”. It’s like watching a movie and a character dies and then the director says in an interview he came back to life after the movie ended. Who cares?


But she still wanted to escape a Sunreaver?

If she was so powerful, couldn’t she just destroy him, just like that?

So… we see Jaina being able to destroy Sunreavers just like that.

But she could not do that to a Sunreaver another place.

She wanted to escape.
Thalyssra’s initial thought was to escape rather than fight.

Both sharing a common theme.

Jaina destroyed opposition easily, in a position and location where she was not outnumbered.

Thalyssra and Jaina both, wanted to flee a battle in a position and location, where they were heavily outnumbered (or potentially… Jaina, Baine, Saurfang, Thrall and the champion were not really outnumbered per say… but they could quickly be swarmed.)

What we see is important, yes.

But if we only get cinematic feats of one specific character all the time, it means little.

I mean forcing Genn to dig around for a locket Calia dropped around Hillsbrad or whatever seems a bit much. But fair is fair I guess.

Get to sniffing gramps.

They even hung a lampshade on this with Thalyssra pissed dialogue that mutters about how the Proudmoore seawitch has to be hiding around a magic well somewhere around here.