Aethas Forgives Jaina for Mass Ethnic Murder


Why does like…everyone forget what Sylvanas did every expac except for BfA?

Make a point dread. Posting off topic links, memes and emojis isn’t a point.

Why does everyone forget what Sylvanas did to the Horde during BFA?

You’re a pathological liar who lied and stated that all committers of genocide are forgiven, as Aethas forgave Jaina.

Sylvanas was not forgiven.

What does that have to do with…anything? She screwed everyone up

I never said Sylvanas.
I said Horde.

Stop making up your own nonsense and get upset about it.
You legitimately have recognition issues.

You asked me to elaborate on my original point to you:
Crimes against the Horde are forgotten.
Crimes against the Alliance get answered for.

Sylvanas is in ultra hell: the worst hell in the setting. The one place she spent the entirety of her post WotLK existence trying to not end up residing therein.

Are you saying the worst hell in the setting is not punishment enough for all of the crimes Sylvanas committed?

What more would you visit upon her?


I mean tbf the old questing experience was just being awkwardly catapulted through time. And I even took a slow roll approach to it attempting to make sense of events. To no avail. As you just kinda sign waive between years. I only found out who the current Warchief was from a random RP conversation I overheard. I figured it was probably Thrall again? I mean I’d learned Garrosh got got but nothing was indicating to me Vol’Jin was. Much less Sylvanas.

Which lead to the funniest moment in WoW. As I thought the RPer had perhaps mispoks or meant to convey Sylvanas was his real leader or whatever.

So it was literally

“Oh hi Vol’Jin” stabbing noise “Uhhh. Bye Vol’Jin”.


At the time of the crime, yeah, she was Warchief and every PC and NPC had to do the deeds. Hard to divorce the Supreme Leader and the entire faction from complicity in something they all took part in.

Only significant difference here is Jaina hasn’t faced consequences. I don’t particularly care about The Purge of Dalaran though, nor do I for one minute think that Sylvanas won’t come back later and be allowed to walk free but have an NPC or two go “oh you grrrr grrrr hisssss” and do nothing.


Where the hell did I say this?

Kinda how it works in war, usually the aggressor is more in the wrong.

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Is the worst hell in the setting not punishment enough for what she did before BFA?
Do you want her to suffer more than Ultra Hell can make her suffer?


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Essentially typical blizzard writing, I’m certain anything about Jaina and Aethas will be in a book or a short story instead of being shown in game.

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On the Alliance side its kind of the same, its just half of them are angry or sad about something.

If a player is new they will be left wondering why they are so mad. Or why they are saying “remember Gilneas or Theramore” what the hell is a Gilneas and etc.

The Horde skips all this nonsense which imo is much better.
Maybe one or two characters would actually bring it up.

Rather than turn this into the usual H vs A Victim Complex Competition, I will just casually point out that the reason Jaina won’t face consequences is the same reason Wrathion hasn’t, and Sylvanas ultimately won’t when she finishes in the Maw.


have literally not once said this, again.

Yes, civilians will get targeted in war, not sure what you want me to say from this.

Alliance and Horde is not good vs evil, is evil vs more evil.

Oooh ooh let me guess, cause it’s not the story Blizzard wants to tell? But yeah at the end of the day this is a pretty pointless exercise on who war crimes are worst, cause as always Blizzard hand waves it away and moves on. While that is just terrible story telling, it’s just what they do.


The Elves are not really second fiddle to the Kirin’tor - players have just made it to be that - because they are not really actively fighting in many wars like the Kirin’tor have been. But at the same time, the Kirin’tor never really had a display of power more impressive than the elven Kingdoms. The High Elves created a barrier that outright denied intruders entrance to the lands (And needed a traitor from the inside to take down), the Kirin’tor could only muster a magical shower that hurt a little. The High Elves put an entire land into perpetual autumn, the Kirin’tor made a city float.

The Cdevs were once asked in a manner, that implied that Jaina was the most powerful mage in WoW. To which the response was: “Aethas may take issue with that.”

Aethas is implied to be equal in power to Jaina

“But Jaina overpowered Aethas during the purge!”

Aethas had no intention of fighting Jaina, he never did.

Rommath is also implied to be a more powerful mage than Aethas.

Jaina is the most powerful human sorceress. That is the only fact we have thus far. And her recent “powerups” only supposedly made her reach elven levels

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Which is my point. The Horde is forgiven, at least forgiven enough to attend a wedding.

She got her city blown up and her hair went from blond to white. The consequence of the Horde’s Theramore bombing was the purge. Blizzard was supposed to give the Alliance Dalaran but walked that back in Legion.

As for Sylvanas she will absolutely be back and characters would hiss and boo where she passes. But the story will frame her as a victim and a martyr that swan dives into hell to redeem herself.


Did they ever get to the bottom of this because they’ve still never been clear on the topic?

What’s it like a ring or something? Because who has it seems to be constantly up for debate.

Christ thank God they never did this with like a fully fleshed out region or anything. Also is that novelty werewolf toy costume like an Alliance only thing? It’s weird. You’d think with the screen time Genn has they’d make that a playable race.

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Unless the player rolls a worgen they wouldn’t know.
Since you know there are zero leveling or content about Gilneas outside of the the Worgen starting area.

Its just a place you hear about mostly.