Aethas Forgives Jaina for Mass Ethnic Murder

Well, not if you’re Horde anyway.

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I am sure in your deranged mind there is another reality where words mean little.

Nothing in that video disproved what I said and Sylvanas becoming a martyr savior of the damned is not the Horde answering for their crimes, making amends or making any steps towards reconciliation.


Tyrande didn’t forgive Sylvanas.
The entire crowd jeers her the entire walk.
Sylvanas is in the worst hell in the setting.


Not all heros are worshipped by the other characters. The entire scene and narrative is framing her as tragic hero taking on a role for redemption.

If she was truly a villain with a villain’s death she would have died as one as many have before her.
Not swan diving into hell for her noble task.

As for my original post. I said the Horde.
Unless you think and Sylvanas and the Horde are synonymous I suggest you try again Treng.

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What have they been doing every genocide?

No. You’re a liar.

The Night Elves received justice, the character was sent to ultra hell to free every soul therein, didn’t even interact with the horde unless the horde player was the one doing the scenario.

The Night Elves and Tyrande did not forgive Sylvanas.
Aethas forgave Jaina whilst receiving absolutely not one iota of justice, as the game painted the Blood Elves as in the wrong for wanting justice in BFA.

Compare and contrast:


Did you read what I said?

You quote it but you don’t bother addressing the point that is being made.
Either argue the points being made or don’t bother at all.

When you actually do I will address what you say.

You lied and stated that all victims of genocide forgive their aggressors in Warcraft. Then you lied some more and continued to imply that “Sylvanas is seen as a hero and martyr” by the night elves.

You’re pathological.

We live in reality dread. Not your delusional fantasies.

Try again properly or dont bother at all.

Keep projecting.


Can you two stop RPing?
This was my post.

I dont even know what he is talking about half the time. He just makes crap up and then cries about it.

I have to admit, I have no idea what he meant when he replied to me.
Dreadmoore, elaborate.

He can’t elaborate, thats the problem.
He rants, posts a couple videos or memes and thinks he has made an intelligent comment


The Alliance always gets to fight the Horde characters that do the Big Evil like Garrosh and Sylvanas.

Alliance characters who do big evil are instantly forgiven and never have to perform any acts of contrition. The story often bends over backwards to say the Alliance Evil was correct, good, and just.

Remember: No Witnesses.


Is the Horde Sylvanas?

Maybe asking a simple question will allow your mind to focus on one point.

Probably because a Goblin ship =/= the entire cosmos?

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Sylvanas is in ultra hell for what she did against the entire cosmos the Night Elves.
The Alliance performs multiple acts of genocide during WoW. They never pay up for it, or even own up to it.


I mean, tbh, I only heard about both the Purge of Dalaran and the bombing of Theramore from these forums.

Returning in Legion having not played since Wrath and only knowing what I did from general gamer osmosis and the cinematic trailer I’d watched, I outright never knew either of those things happened. Even with two level 110s. I was never prompted toward any catalyst quest and nobody brought it up in a way I noticed at any rate.

You’re never like barred from Dalaran on Horde and Theramore is very much intact in all my game worlds.

And the biggest impact to my questing experience had I never found out would’ve been confusion at a line of a dialogue from a random mini boss in the BFA Horde rebel questline. Probably would’ve just written him off as being nuts though since he’s certainly framed that way.

So. If anything you can’t accuse this of being inconsistent.

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He is just pointing out Sylvanas was not forgiven (yet), while Jaina’s victim is for some reason trying to make a peace offering.


On the Alliance side Jaina comments on it multiple times if you bother quest or interact with her. There are various NPCs and of course the Baine prisoner hand off in BFA.

On the Horde side you don’t hear about it… but on the Alliance you will hear about it.

Which is completely off topic to the point I made. Unless again if Sylvanas represents the entire Horde.

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