hey chrodd, i remember you from continuum, Annalynthia#1815
hey nbawarlock, i remember you from Continuum or contingency plan, or myst
I was GM of Lucid Light. I vaguely remeber you. Did you raid with us?
Yeah, i remember you dude.
OMG DUDE! I’m not sure if it was my rogue Thaerun NE but I know I played with you alot at some point. I’m on Thunderfury on classic. And I’m almost positive we were in Grip of Death together for awhile.
Night Elf
Guild: I can’t remember the name
still waiting for you to come join my guild on mankrik
Hey chrodd, i raided with you in TBC with continuum, i was the nelf tank, come play on mankrik alliance. good guild here
Wow, I was in both phoenix rising and myst as well. We must have played together. Chikoshen - Holy Paladin. I’m playing on Arcanite Reaper these days.
Looking for old members, of Phoenix Rising, DoA, Myst, and continuum!
< Phoenix Rising > a 2004 guild from Vanilla, is looking for more familiar faces to fill Raid slots for upsoming Molten Core and Onyxia runs! I was a nelf tank named Analynthia, in DoA, Continuum, and Myst all the way to WotLK! From the original guild we have Anit, Adithians, Chikoshen, and myself! Would love to get some old friends to come play with us on MANKRIK Alliance!
Hey chicky! Been a while! I raided with you in continuum. My priests name was Siphor back then.
rageelf, come play on mankrik noober
Phoenix rising
Me, Tina, And adithians are on mankrik Alliance, add me my btag is Annalynthia#1815
Papacy! Me, Adithians, Chikoshen, Anit / Metina are on Mankrik alliance server. we remade the guild and its amazing, were getting rdy to raid soon, would love to have you! Annalynthia#1815
@booterein Yeah man, all of phoenix rising is here on mankriki prepping to start raids soon, we could use your papal skills Annalynthia#1815
From 05 and still here, currently on earthfury.
Was in a few guilds, dont remember the names but did a lot of pvp with DoA, mostly wsg premades with firefoot(nelf hunter) and mongo(dwarf priest)
oh shiiiii…Arowen was a Nelf hunter in the guild I believe? I think we used to duel a lot lol
I’m Errant, Human Warlock. Was in Envy / Syndrome.
I remember a few Envy / Syndrome people here. There’s too many people to reply so I’m just going off a short list of shoutouts and list of names I remember.
- Special hi to TJ if he posted here (Moons/Moonz/Sprockets). Always fair with loot/DKP and intolerance for BS. He headed to Zuluhed after Envy died. Hope everything’s great irl.
- Heal Core. Sucks he was 1 week away from Alliance first GM (R14) during Envy’s implosion.
- There was a cool female Gnome Mage Officer @ Envy, forget his char’s name.
- Enfluenza, Envy Warlock.
- Nock/Wock(sp?) Mage and Warlock players
- Savory, NE Priest and Raid Leader of Syndrome plus his buddy NE Tank Izahoe
- Ofc I remember Xofy, dude was chill and did the research for boss strategies.
- Male human Warlock I used to call Fabio due to his char’s hairstyle
- Inva, probably the most hardcore PVP priest I’ve met.
- Gnome Warlock Brain, chillest class lead. 0 drama, all cool.
- Canadian Gnome Mage Vict.
- Nefarian’s lost brother Nikkapeez.
- Adlez, sweet NE Druid, always chilling @ our Warlock channel during raids and her buddy hunter Sakushu.
- Visereys (sp). NE Rogue who quit game after loot council not giving him CTS.
- Pwnermobile / Pwnercycle’s premades bracket breaking to Vanilla R14 and competing in TBC Arenas.
- Hi Drave, you still with Pizztoff?
- Nehemiah, you were never that good, raids took you for the retnoob memes. I can already name three different Aegwynn Paladins objectively better than you (Gabrielle, Valiz, Saralyn)
- Enclave harboring gold seller memes anyone?
- Some NE Warrior forcing his son to grind BGs while he was working for the R14 grind?
- Can’t forget Tuls and Pollock’s account buyers. They sucked up hard to Syndrome’s loot council and the officers ate it all up
Some Horde names:
- Dugrim, Lanaa, Arvins (sp), Choo & Shoo? (sp). SSDD took a group of Horde guilds going nowhere and made themselves the server’s dominant guild in Vanilla.
- Bowser and Donatello in Battlegrounds 24/7.
On a Horde Warrior for Classic. Take care all.
Whateverusay hu priest
Marbury hu warr
YO! Special shout out to my guild leader from Red Dawn - Wolverrine…that dude said I couldn’t roll on the t4 helm against him because he had leukemia so he would die in “tree days”. I proceeded to roll a 2…he laughed his behind off and goes: “HWAHHRAHWAH…I Don’t have leukemia MOLLBELLY, NICE ROLL! Dats mah haylm.”
We all react in ventrilo…“wow randy, that’s messed up…just roll and take it…”
Wolverrine rolls 1
So I won the helm with my roll of 2 against the BASTE goddang hunner in the server.
Best karazhan of my entire life-
LOL, Yeah that was me! =D