Aegwynn Alliance Reconnections

Hoping to find people from the Raiding guild Cake!

My mains were Treefitty (resto druid) and Lunasea (paladin).

Miss you guys.

I player a NElf hunter named Phobic on Aegwynn throughout vanilla. Played some with my brother who played a NElf hunter named Phillic. We played BGs almost exclusively and sat in 29, 39, 49, and 59 brackets. I hit rank 11 as a level 59, hit 60 and stopped playing the hunter soon after.

I hardly remember any names at this point. But played with Morde (gnome rogue) in the low level BGs. I also remember a two horde names: Skippy (UD shadow priest) and Salahadin (spelling? Orc hunter). I remember Morde always playing the AH, and jacking up the price of low level items I wanted. I remember Pwnercycle’s premades. Also there was Saggies (spelling, female dwarf hunter) GM of a twink guild i didn’t join, but overlapped with.

My college roomate was a NElf Druid named Tagalog. I may or may not have played on his character some as well :wink:

Chaosangie human warlock, i remember you

Hi Anit remember Chaosangie from EVAC? combination of 4 guilds

holy crap!! whats up bro!!! im on aegwynn retail and atiesh under name Analynthia, Hollar at me. nice to hear from you

Guild: RSF
Character: Zinrohk
Class: Warrior
Race: Night Elf
Rank: Field Marshal
Other: Also played with a bunch of PvPers on the rank 14 grind around 2005-2007 Elfrio, Elfuego, Theeye, Limit. Looking for some old buddies.

Howdy Bainne!

Name: Delroy
Class: Priest
Race: Human
Level: 60
Guild: Lucid Light, Aftermath

I raided with you in Lucid Light, We have a small group of Lucid Light players on Skull Rock - Hardcore WoW who are playing. We even reformed the Lucid Light guild name.


Yo, I remember Shadowmonk from Lucid Light days

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