Hoping to find people from the Raiding guild Cake!
My mains were Treefitty (resto druid) and Lunasea (paladin).
Miss you guys.
Hoping to find people from the Raiding guild Cake!
My mains were Treefitty (resto druid) and Lunasea (paladin).
Miss you guys.
I player a NElf hunter named Phobic on Aegwynn throughout vanilla. Played some with my brother who played a NElf hunter named Phillic. We played BGs almost exclusively and sat in 29, 39, 49, and 59 brackets. I hit rank 11 as a level 59, hit 60 and stopped playing the hunter soon after.
I hardly remember any names at this point. But played with Morde (gnome rogue) in the low level BGs. I also remember a two horde names: Skippy (UD shadow priest) and Salahadin (spelling? Orc hunter). I remember Morde always playing the AH, and jacking up the price of low level items I wanted. I remember Pwnercycle’s premades. Also there was Saggies (spelling, female dwarf hunter) GM of a twink guild i didn’t join, but overlapped with.
My college roomate was a NElf Druid named Tagalog. I may or may not have played on his character some as well
Chaosangie human warlock, i remember you
Hi Anit remember Chaosangie from EVAC? combination of 4 guilds
holy crap!! whats up bro!!! im on aegwynn retail and atiesh under name Analynthia, Hollar at me. nice to hear from you
Guild: RSF
Character: Zinrohk
Class: Warrior
Race: Night Elf
Rank: Field Marshal
Other: Also played with a bunch of PvPers on the rank 14 grind around 2005-2007 Elfrio, Elfuego, Theeye, Limit. Looking for some old buddies.
Howdy Bainne!
Name: Delroy
Class: Priest
Race: Human
Level: 60
Guild: Lucid Light, Aftermath
I raided with you in Lucid Light, We have a small group of Lucid Light players on Skull Rock - Hardcore WoW who are playing. We even reformed the Lucid Light guild name.
Yo, I remember Shadowmonk from Lucid Light days