Aegwynn Alliance Reconnections

Nightelf Rogue been playing since day one. I rememeber alot of names here and some i dont , but thats what happens when you get old. LOL

Gnome Mage
Elfuego and Elfrio
Now I am Exfuego in Classic in Herod

I remember Resy, pretty bad Pally imo

Lol whaaaaaaaaa

Gdi blast from the past.

Xofy, human mage. I was in Syndrome before I transferred away.

Hey Cloverz, Xofy (human mage)

I’m still deciding where to roll my character, but will probably go with a warrior (Iaana) again.

Had a main character,
Xofy, human mage with silver hair
Guild: Syndrome
Also ended playing a lot of my ~alt~ new main, Iaana the same character just a warrior.

Looking down this thread I’ve seen a ton of names I remember having a blast with. Still undecided where to start a new character.

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If anyone is still debating where to go a good amount of old GLORY members went to Incendious - me included!

krazyelf, i remember you, phoenix rising is on mankrik, you should come with us! battletag Annalynthia#1815 hit me up

Dwarf Paladin
Guild: FIGHT
Other members include Deckard, Clark, Korvak, Nandrac, Garrison, Tocal

My name was Glard, Human Rogue.

I remember having a group of nearly 10 we used to play with regularly. We quested through Elwynn Forest, Westfall, Redridge, and even a little of Duskwood before I went inactive.

I don’t remember any of your names, but if you recognize mine then please let me know!

hey rozgreez… i was in glory as well all the way up to the merging with DG… was a mage named flashie… not sure if anyone would remember me tho… i pvp’d WAY more then i raided… even tho i never missed the raids lol

Name: Flashie
Class: Mage
Race: Human
Guild: Glory

Not sure if anyone would remember me… i spent way more time pvping then raiding even tho i never missed the raid times lol. i kind of kept to a few RL friends i had in Glory. Would be nice to play with all you Glory people agaiin though. You were all fun… and all you old SSDD guys… stop camping me lol

hey Reconelf… you remember a mage named flashie? i was in glory with you guys all the way to the merging with DG…

Hey man, I actually used to be in Syndrome with you. I was definitely a better paladin. Nehemiah :kissing_heart:

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Hey buddy, nehe here.

Hey drave,

I remember your paladin. I played a hunter named ultros. Was in the guild when we entered naxx for a few months. Let me know if you find more players.

Yes , anyone remember Rainmaker , Druid

Guild: Syndrome
Character: Mook
Class: Warrior
Race: one of the short ones
Rank: ehhh 7?
Playing Classic on Netherwind as a human warrior

p.s. Hi Drave! :smiley:

Hey Rozgreez and Cactusjack,

This is Nbawarlock. I used to be in GLORY and also in Cactusjack’s guild before.

Add me if you want SC91#1956