Aegwynn Alliance Reconnections

The name definitely sounds familiar! Ferretman here, Night Elf Hunter. Pretty sure we’ve talked more than once

Your name sounds really familiar as well haha. This is Ferretman, NE hunter

OMG! BOOT! hahaha wow! It has been so long… and you went darkside, geesh! Poor guy. I forgot Papacy :slight_smile: Nice to hear from you!

I would love to do that… but I dont think I have it in me to go back to a PVP server! I was never good at PVP and I have not improved over these years, lol

classic- noob warlock Yalyninx
bc- Draenie mage Yaly

Looking for kaidencale! What happened to you??

ive started during vanilla but played at the end of bc mostly doing duel and pvp ot exactly the same profile/ character

Ferretman!! yes weve played together before, going to make a guild today, if interested, ill be on whitemane pvp at launch toon name Analynthia, my nelf warrior tank! btag is Annalynthia#1815

please come, ive got a few people from back in the day including Adithians. im gonna remake the old guild iwe love so much, and u dont have to pvp. there wont be much pvp going on until later phases anyway friend me so we can talk Annalynthia#1815

Come on over to Mankirk? I will add you when I get home tonight. :slight_smile:

Hey would u be down to pla on Mankrik?? anitmage wont do pvp server so i might just do mankrik? would u come too ?

gonna take a lil work and ive gotta get ahold of people but ill make my toon Analynthia over there. will u be on at launch? also ill be recruiting for phoenix rising

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Ferretman, were all gonna actually now gonna be on Mankrik server! plz make your main toon there buddy

I will be on tonight. I wont be home from work until a couple hours after the launch of 3pm pacific time/6pm eastern, but I will be on…unless the que is forever!

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Alright i have a discord we can use also, and can u tell adithians to make his toon here as well, he doesnt know were all doing mankrik ! Annalynthia#1815 Add me so i can send u discord invite

PyRogawd - Main Tank - Divine Guardians

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Its Cactusjack the mage from Vanilla and TBC. Hit me up,

cactusjack wassup
ill send u a request

Curious if anyone from GLORY on AEGWYNN-US is playing Classic. I was Montaigne, a Dwarven Warrior (I later mained a Draenei Shaman named Kaddis for a short while). We were originally in Divine Guardians and then merged with GLORY - I know Moodwendah and one other person I can’t quite remember are here. I remember playing with Kenner, Maximous, Jasmyn, Azaldon, Fantazamor, Thereddeath, Jaimaster (Jaimaister?), Edaro (spelling?), Saga, Oaccious, really struggling to remember anyone else. I know we’ll likely not meet each other online anymore, but wanted to say hello and hope you’re all doing well!

talk to reconelf, your guildies are probly wondering about you, ill let him know, whats your btag ?

ill send oyu request from Annalynthia#1815

contact reconelf Entombment#1824 he was like yeahhhh maontaigne!!