Aegwynn Alliance Reconnections

Lmao! Yessssss :joy::joy:. I remember Pald and Nozul! Pald was also the GM of Supremacy and Supremacy reborn right?

Yo Roz you were a human warrior right? For some reason when I think of your name I picture a fury human warrior With AQ gear :joy:

man, that name sounds really familiar

nelf female warrior tank in tbc raids with Myst, DoA, and Contingency plan, originally phoenix rising in vanilla

what was your toons name ?

Suns - Night elf Druid / Envy / Classic!

Im REMAKING the Guild Phoenix Rising and im looking for any old members interested in reliving our glory days! im DDOA on discord my tag is DDOA#2458
send me a message and your name, battletag and who u are. my btag is Annalynthia#1815 I look forward to hearing from you all!

your name seems familiar !

hows it going? im playing on alli whitemane, putting together a guild too probly if u wanna join up and play on launch day Annalynthia#1815 is my btag. hollar at me

Hey Drave I was a Dwarf Paladin back in the day in Syndrome for a bit (BWL/AQ-40 clears up to C’Thun/a few bosses in Naxx). My name was Baigimli. Looking forward to connecting with some classic people as well!

Guild: Order of the Dragon/Syndrome

Main Character: Baigimli

Class + Race: Dwarf Paladin

Add me - Entombment#1824

We should all plan on going to the same server and create a guild together with all the old aegwynn folks. I plan on going back to Alliance and rolling a rogue again.

i want to get the guild back together but would u come to whitemane pvp ? i found familiar people and want to get a guild going, in the roots of our beloved PR :slight_smile:

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I was going through a very old Youtube video I made YEARS ago and you can see some old names there. Check it out! - (Disclaimer: There is pretty obnoxious music so I recommend muting)

yeah i left a comment

go read it

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A couple of GLORY names I found - Aetheon, Belmont, Belrock, Candyman, Chicklets, Corvinus, Dedstria, Desblood, Epicardium, Faith, Hemionee, Juliuscage, Kenan, MENDE <3, Nozul, Paladyr, Peachlee, Sagacious, Shellyliu

Syndrome - Arowen, Arvid, Cloverz, Core, Dracul, Imsomniaa, Marake, Nehemia, Noahicarus, Novaslayer, Sakushu, Thyrael, Valiz, Zapt, Yodakill, Phry

hello all, just remembered for half a year i played a female blonde hair warrior tank named Lynthis if anyone from continuum remembers me

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Played Chrodd (Warlock) in Lucid Light and Continuum during vanilla leading into TBC.
Eventually played in the Guild Fallen.
During Wotlk most that knew of me did so by Validuss the Death Knight.
Started in vanilla and progressed on thru TBC and WOTLK on this server. After Cataclysm kinda fell out of love with the game and came back a bit for BFA super casual.
Name: Chrodd or Validuss
Class: Warlock or Death Knight
Race: Human
Level: 60-85
Guild: Lucid Light, contiuum, Fallen

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Kalden huh! i was in DoA during the glory days as well, back when arkwen was still raid leader. good times, my main was a tank named Analynthia. do u remember the name of that shammy healer / dps? anywy if u remember me my btag Annalynthia#1815

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Hey guys I was a Dwarf Paladin in OOTD named Baigimli. I remember having great times in MC and tackling some of the world bosses. Definitely remember farming AV with Chupa back in the day. Those are by far my fondest WoW memories. I’ll keep tabs on where most of the OOTD guys and gals are going and then try to jump into that realm.