Aegwynn Alliance Reconnections

hey all, my original name was amorae from the start I ditched him back during litch king and asked a gm to bring him back to life and I had a choice of amoraexyz or something else, so I kept it like this. this is my original toon from before bc.

I believe that was my guild, Envy. My wife and I played in that guild until MC, I believe. We played as LIghtheart (paladin) & Heavensheart (priest).

LMAO hey, it’s Rageelf.

Leyaa was from Divine Guardians. Were you as well?

i was in Glory, then we absorbed/Merged with DG sometime around BWL opening i remember Svepa, Azaldon, Saint, Jasymn, played with most into BC. But leyaa is one ive kept in contact with. What character did you play ?

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Man it would be cool to get all of the old Aegywnn crew to play in one realm. I don’t remember everyone’s name but I miss Amylee’s and Vashstarwinds epic heals, Sinbad the rogue Ironborn the Glory GM, Scandalous the gnome mage!

Ah I was a noob nobody then. I played a dwarf paladin named Omot. But I did raid with DG in vanilla, mostly from MC/ZG/Ony.

I wish i could find the video of DGs first Rag kill!


annalynthia#1815 , send me a request man. im probly gonna make a guild and will need some help!

oops my battletag is Annalynthia#1815 hit me up

Wow! That’s awesome, tell Keplar hi from me. I doubt he would remember me though xD.

Haha will do! Was talking to him this morning and trying to convince him Ellinos and Mara to come back :stuck_out_tongue:

Name: Hihowareya
Class: Hunter
Race: Night Elf
Guild: Aegwynn Outcasts
I also played with Wierdo/Brokenbrain and Joeymurder
Im playing as “Sanosque” on Faerlina orc warrior

Hell yeah. What’s your battle net?

Remember any hunters from GLORY? Moodwendah here. Was real young at the time. Jaimaster basically mentored me.

I played a paladin named Caladon,was in Eventual Clemency. So many great memories.
Lots of players come to mind…Brewski,Tekay,Saintsangre,Hacim,Gulgotha,Pald,Sephir,Velric,Nozul,Woroth,Nehemiah,Raiken,Adimar,Morde,Taledo…were just a few guiltdies and friends that I remember.

Heal Ironborn!!!

i remember this one guy who would get to 40 then make a new hero, he was awesome

Yo Uriel ! its me Analynthia from back in the day. i cant remember what guild i was in but remember we ran stuff a long time ago. my btag is Annalynthia#1815 . hollar at me

Yo BootToHead!! whats up man? this is Analynthia the nelf warrior from vanilla / tbc. im trying to play classic with old friends so hit me up my btag is Annalynthia#1815

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Hey Anit, do u remember Watcher the old guy ?!?!? LMFAO i was scrolling through here reminiscing and thought about it! Anyway, you coming to whitemane for release ? Anyway, adithians sent a request the other day. my btag Annalynthia#1815 , 2 days left. hollar at me

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