Feralinia i belive is where me, Leyaa, Riddic and a few others will be…
I also was in OOTG ah the memories of BWL AQ and MC
Guild: Order of the Dragon
Class: Paladin
Character: Garnath
Race: Human
Played as MT/raid healer.
I was there at our first Rag kill it was the single most memorable moment in WoW for me.
GM was Lewstherin, some peeps I can recall were Duraniv, Eleta, Brokenone.
Rolled on Herod for classic. I was able to get Garrnath the single r version was taken.
Analynnthia, were you the tank that kept showing up to raid late because he had to “get his swell on” or was that our other tank?
This is Xaramai (Shaman Healer btw) who was part of our first Lady Vash’j and Archimonde kills. My god, I haven’t heard the name Anit in forever.
Also, I have a priest slotted on Mankrik (Horde) named Prey I’ll be rolling in case anyone from DoA is interested.
I remember you Chicky!
I raided with doa and myst, as a sub, my guild was evac, a combination of 4 guilds due to low server population
anyone remember corvis or shadowmonk
Character Name: Cloverz
Guild Name: Syndrome and DoA and then back to Syndrome when Keplar took over.
Just looking to see if anyone from that era is going to be playing classic =) (Also looking for the person that played the character Hahahahahahahah, undead lock or priest can’t remember. Miss you baby <3)
yo where my boy Fron and the [Pink] crew at
i’m really just watching this thread for my BC/WotLK buddies that played since Vanilla (sorry, didn’t transfer here till later)
and maybe an ex-girlfriend or two
- Napkins (Dwarf Hunter, this toon posting, still alive)
- Papertowels (Dwarf Priest)
- Kleenex (Human Mage)
here’s to hoping they make a PvP Central server before launch. these medium/high pop servers just won’t feel like Aegywnn, man!
I’d have preferred to play on a PvP server but my current crew is Horde so I went with Mankrik (PvE) to be able to play on both sides.
ps. my voice is only slightly less squeaky now
My old rogue pal Riddic! Leyaa NE warrior? You can also find me at Feralinia then
Hey! I still keep in contact with Keplar and Arowen your name sounds familiar. I was a NE rouge named Reconelf
Hey Y’all! I played as Blackbeard dwarf paladin, I played in unforgiven, and westcoast Runners
Name: Kaidar
Guilds: RsF, DoA
Class: Hunter
I don’t know if anyone remembers me but I went by the name kaidar the hunter and later as Kalden the DK in wrath.
I was in DoA for a long while and used to do BG’s with Bladev and everyone else.
I had knight-champion rank back then
Oh hey, it’s me! So many names and nostalgia! Been playing horde on M’G and Illidan now.
Guild: Phoenix Rising/Supremacy Reborn
Character: Boottohead/Papacy
Class: Rogue/Priest
Race: NE/Human
Man, Chicky, Kleenex, Anit, Analynthia… so many memories.
Harne? Didn’t you post a PvP video on WCM back in BC? I remember watching it and thinking “Damn, I didn’t know anyone on Aegwynn had talent.”
Hi Chicky! my discord is DDOA#2458
i remember you from Continuum ! DDOA#2458
Heyy, soo good to see a familiar face. Send me a discord invite DDOA#2458
Id like to see about getting some of our people back together
Haha, no that was the other tank. my discord is DDOA#2458
Hey, Falle! I remember you. I was Anthraks (Human Warlock) in Vanilla, and Oaken (Dwarf Priest) in BC. Lews’s brother. I’ll be playing on Bloodsail this time around.
I also remember Valpo, Brokenone, Chupa, and DDA. Wish I still had old screenshots, I know there’s a bunch more I’m missing from the old OotD and Dragon Reborn days.