<Aegis> Mythic Prog Guild 1/8M, 8/8H [6/8M NBP] | LF RDPS for 11.1 Raid Team!

happy flying in ZM week gamers

friend request sent on discord

In need of a Shadow Priest?

Bump! Reminder to please just add us on the linked contact info! This post isn’t checked often enough to reply to inviduals.

Boop bump bop

Hey. Its me. The Bump.

Rise up gamers.

Rise up once again

We are rising

hello gamers

we are gaming

I really love bumping

We bumping

Dragonflight hype???

We do be getting close to launch - bump

One more week lads - bump

We bumpin’

Looking for a raiding home and M+ teams to join, returning high-level tank still trying to knock the rust off… have blood DK and guardian druid that I am gearing this week…have a few friends who may join as well.

sent battlenet and discord requests.

We do be bumpin’

bumpy time