<Aegis> Mythic Prog Guild 1/8M, 8/8H [6/8M NBP] | LF RDPS for 11.1 Raid Team!

Word on the street is… its bump time.

Yo, we bumping

Any mage gamers?

We be bumping once again.

Fellow bumpers, rise.

Someone say bump?

Hey are you guys still looking for a healer? Currently 2/8M on my MW and looking to push a little harder. I also have a buddy that tanks on his pally and can dps on hunter.

Bumpo time

Hey there. As someone interested in transitioning from Heroic raiding to Mythic, I’m definitely interested if you guys have room for a BM Hunter.

Bump bump bump!

Bump time arrives once more

It do be 10.1, let’s go gamers.

It do be Season 2, let’s get it gamers.

Bumping time has come again

We bumping

sent both a btag request and discord

Bumping gang

I love to bump

Turns out we bumpin’

Once again we have come to a bump in the road. Ha