<Aegis> Mythic Prog Guild 1/8M, 8/8H [6/8M NBP] | LF RDPS for 11.1 Raid Team!

Mythic Progression Team

Raid Days & Times: Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 9PM - 12AM EST/Server

Progress: 1/8M, 8/8H || NBP 6/8M || Dragonflight: 7/9M, 7/9M, 5/8M

Contact: ‘tokkul’ on Discord [Best] / MrTerkyMan#1185 on Bnet / Tokkull in game / DO NOT POST HERE, IT WILL BE MISSED

Desired Specs/Classes:
-Any DPS, strong desire for non-hunter RDPS
-Any Spec/Class welcome for Flex positions (See below)

-Always come on time, and are IN RAID by 9:00 PM EST
-Are always prepared with consumables, gems, enchants, and fight knowledge
-Have WeakAuras, DBM/BigWigs, Method Raid Tools, and RCLootCouncil installed
-Discord w/ a Headset and Mic required
-Ability to communicate absences and lates prior to them happening

About Flex Raiding:
We’re all people with busy lives irl. Many times, a core raider has plans that will interfere with raid night. Flex raiders are guild members capable of performing in Mythic reclears and prog to fill in on nights a main raider can’t make it. They aren’t held accountable for attendance against the schedule, but are thus not always going be raiding every night/week. This group of people is also the first group we look to in terms of bringing on a new raider should a main raider fall short of expectations or otherwise be brought off the team.

Other Info

Aegis is a Mythic progression guild on US-Stormrage. Traditionally, our singular focus has been in this Mythic progression. We have achieved AOTC with ease every tier since our inception, and then pushed into mythic. We are looking to broaden our horizons with TWW and invite more folks in for both Mythic +, and social/casual content.

Here is the TLDR list of what Aegis has and is looking to expand on. If you’re interested in any of the following, feel free to reach out and join us!

-Mythic Raiding
-High End Mythic+
-Casual Mythic+
-Casual, non-committal Normal & Heroic raiding (Not main raid team)
-Having a home to chat and hang out in while doing your own thing

Why hello there

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Bumpity bump bump

Bump bump bump.

Bumpity bump bump

Rise up together gamers

Bumpity bump bump

Bump it up lads

The time to bump has come again

rise up bumpers

bump gang.

bump gang.

Sent a discord friend req

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Time to bump again

DK (10/10H) here, can play unholy or frost…haven’t raided much mythic since days of WoD and Legion, but would be interested in talking with you. battletag is Reece#11312…thanks and best of luck

Bump gang.

Still looking for a restore druid? I haven’t seen you on today.

Apologies for missing this. The best way to reach me is to add me on B.net and whisper me or via discord.

9.1 bumpy time

Lil bump woo