<Aegis> Mythic Prog Guild 1/8M, 8/8H [6/8M NBP] | LF RDPS for 11.1 Raid Team!

Young bump wee

123456789 bumpy

12345678 bumpy

1234567 bumpy

123456 bumpy

Saw your guild on WCL in the guild recruitment panel, so i figured i’d shoot my shot. So I started in BFA, 8.2.5 and have pretty much from the start been into heroic/mythic raiding. Ran DH in EP and got to 3/8M, Ret in Nya and got 7/12M. and then when SL came, I had to step back from my raid team and joined a more casual heroic guild and got 3/10M in CN on BM hunter. About a month ago, my buddy and i decided we were going to make the move to alliance to get a new experience with end game and what not. Currently have a 60 DH 233, a 60 rogue, a 60 lock, and am leveling a ele shaman at the moment. Looking to maybe raid next tier on the dh, but more than anything looking for a place to call home and run keys and have fun with some friends. If you feel like i might be a fit for your guild at all, i’d love to join (Hunter CN heroic logs https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/thrall/meastbastery#zone=26&difficulty=4) (Ret Nya Heroic logs https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/id/42590499?mode=detailed&zone=24&fbclid=IwAR35w2b0uTDuDwen_8_OX7X0p78L2VZ7VhzA0mrU_JvfQzuEBwLKRWIvtoA#metric=dps&difficulty=4&partition=3&spec=Retribution) (DH SoD heroic logs https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/illidan/feldasher)

Discord: Rumble#9826

AOTC Bump say what

Bumpity bump

Gamers, its time to bump.

Hey there new reset, how are you.

Rise up gamers

Rise up again gamers

WTB Priest pls

Hello gamers, it is I

It is I, gamers

Gamers, I it is

9.2 Is here baby. Rise up!

Happy 9.2 release week gamers

Happy raid release week gamers

happy mythic week gamers