leveling is the best part.
It’s almost like people can have different opinions.
You don’t really believe that?
I think the XP nerf alone would be sufficient. Nerfing mage farms specifically is stupid when pally, DK, and druid farms are fine.
Yeah I was really looking forward to just chilling solo and leveling my Mage in the dungeon by myself until like 75
some opinions have objectively less weight given the context, especially in MMOs where leveling alts is the norm.
So what are you saying makes people’s opinions worth less exactly? Disagreeing with you?
Leveling sucks massive ballsack btw
Love this change.
Oh, my b, I could have sworn that people who spent the gold to be boosted were raiding on those toons. My mistake, I should have realized they did it for no reason. All along I thought that people were just trying to get past the extremely tedious waste of time that is the leveling process as soon as possible! Boy, you really showed me
Pallies will be able to do it though? With far less skill, just take hits and conc.
Mage kiting has always been such a staple. Just more pigeon holing ways of play. The exp nerf is perfect and will kill boosting, they just added the kiting nerf for the hell of it.
Correct… by not playing the game.
Paying for a store boost is even less playing the game.
I miss my rocket. Was hoping to get it back in wrath.
There is a lot of people that would disagree with you on that
Key word: Have
The Shame is on people who think it’s forced. It’s a CHOICE.
At least it’s not plugging up chat channels with spam. It’s also Blizzard selling their own IP, and not some third party.
I love the attitude of players like Mispled. “I personally like this change, therefore, it is good news for us players.”
If you like the idea - fine - that’s your right.
But where do you get the right to speak for the entire community? You don’t even bother to make a case supporting your statement. You just throw it out there as fact.
Note that you didn’t express an opinion - " I think this is a good change."
Instead - you made the declaration - “it is still good news overall for us players”
So many of the responses on this thread can be reduced to a simple and flawed proposition - that everyone else playing the game should be FORCED to play the way that particular individual CHOOSES to play.
“I don’t like boosting therefore no one should be allowed to boost.”
Now, if I tried to insist that Blizzard limited everyone’s playtime to a few hours each day - because that’s all the free time I have to play… these same people would throw a tantrum that would make Nancy Pelosi proud.
Seems slightly hypocritical to me…
What about GDKP ??
Can you back that up with any actual numbers?
Or are you just projecting?
Boosting needs to go. Cope.