Adjustments to Delve Great Vault Credit Incoming - October 8

Yet another nerf that nobody asked for and isn’t needed.

This dev team is the absolute worst that this game has ever seen and there is absolutely no defending them at this point.


… how is it “artificial time gating” to give you a list of content you can complete for weekly rewards? Like… that’s just how the system works. There’s nothing artificial about it. Artificial time gating would be forcing a 30 minute cooldown before you can start another Delve after completing one.

What this really amounts to is… expecting people to complete content in order to earn weekly rewards.

If you don’t want to do that many delves, don’t fill that many vaults. It’s literally a problem you’ve created for yourself, and you can solve it for yourself, too.


That’s exactly my point thank you. It’s essentially a requirement to do that in order to compete. You can’t have your cake and eat it too in this game because they’ve intentionally designed it that way. You have to do a whole lot of things you don’t want to in order to finally get to the things you do want to.

who exactly is making “quick” Zekvir runs?? I can’t even get him to half health let alone kill him.

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If you only did Normal raid you didn’t need the legendary. You didn’t even need PVE gear.

We know this because the raid was out before some of the BiS legendaries were. In case people forgot, they dropped off of world bosses that didn’t come out til like 2 weeks after the raid.

I do appreciate someone with common sense who understands how this all works. Kudos to you my fellow worgen :yellow_heart:


You again? I already proved you incorrect in the previous thread. Go RP or something.

Tons of people.
? not ??.

Set Brann to Healer.
Interrupt the DoT so you don’t have to worry about clearing it.
If you’re ranged, stay in melee range of him all the time so it’s easy to dodge cones.

Because it was designed that way with the sole purpose of intentionally keeping people online and subscribed for longer, aka, artificial. It wasn’t designed solely to be fun and then oh hey they love it so that’s why they’re investing so much time into it. I didn’t create or design the game so any insinuation I’ve created my own problems is hysterical.

Don’t know you. shrugs with indifference

yip yip tho right?

Yeah I’m a massive altoholic too which is probably what’s keeping delves going for me more than anything, though it’s understandable they want weekly progression to actually give players who aren’t more than like 15-30 minutes to do in a week.

I think the answer would be something like a buff that reduces the number of runs needed for alts after you’ve capped your main. Kind of like what they did for XP for alts, but with vault slots instead on a weekly basis.

It’s not a huge deal if somebody blows through all 3 vault slots in 30 minutes on their 5th alt, but it kind of is if it’s the one and only 80 somebody has.


My opinion - Zekvir is more fun that 8+ delves. Blizzard doing this has reduced the amount of fun I’m going to have filling my vault, and increased the time it is going to take for me to fill it.

The increased fill time means I have less time to do things I actually enjoy instead of delves. This decision is a blatant disregard for player time and only serves to pad the “active playtime” numbers.


Bruh they literally make it a scaling reward system based on how much time you invest. You can do two delves and still get a 616 item in your vault. You only have to run 8 of them if you want a maximum load in the vault row, which is completely optional and is your own decision.

You don’t have to have 5 alts to compete, my dude. Who exactly do you think you’re competing with?


Much better speed runing it 8 times under 16mins than the god awful 20m ish per regular delve, that 2.5h hours for 8

If you find Zekvir fun, you can continue to run it. They didn’t completely remove the Delve.


Expected, but still disappointing.

I open the fight with Curse of the Satyr, its a 2 min long debuff. He dies before I have to refresh it. I’m only 595.

What a bunch of give me something for nothing babies. Good change. It was a complete joke for the ilvl reward.

Took my lfr geared DH 15 min to do 5 last night.


Glad you all found time to fix anything remotely positive for the playerbase and not say the 1000000 bugs currently in game