Adjustments to Delve Great Vault Credit Incoming - October 8

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Blizz basically said F yo Vaults :joy:

Yeah that isn’t what the context to my comment is at all.

“Fun” in this case, was the COMBINATION of fighting the boss AND getting gear from the great vault for doing it. It was not one or the other.

huge L blizz


Well, then I wont be doing regular delves that takes around 20 minutes when I was able to do it on 2.

far from making me play longer I wont be playing at all, glad my sub ends in just 10 days

removing that delve from counting towards delves credit is an awful change, no wonder why new expacs lose the hype so quickly with these awful decisions


HAHAHA did you just say you will not renew your sub over this? Yeah right you will be right here


It wasn’t an impulse, it was an option for people who didn’t have time to run full delves or don’t have keys for bountiful delves, which is the only way to make delves worth doing. This is so weird.

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this seems like a horrible change

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Zek’vir is the only reason I even bothered to fill the vault at all so I guess it’s just a dead row now. Actual delves are a tremendous bore, not even remotely challenging and they give literally nothing of value if you aren’t a literal fresh character with bad gear.


TWW has been great but it’s crazy to me how badly you guys have missed on Delves. They’re ridiculously tedious, are under-rewarding and take far too long to complete. If players felt like doing T8 Delves and getting rewards + a chance at heroic loot was better than just clearing Zekvir, we would have been doing the T8 Delves instead.

Now, that part of my vault will just remain empty

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It’s not really weird. If anything this is just a typical Blizz oversight. Zekvir wasn’t intended to be farmed for rewards, hence the change. The issue is that he ever was and that it’s being changed now, rather than being that way from the start.


Yet another classic Blizzard change. “Fixing” something that was never a problem for the actual players, only for the out of touch developers…


this is literally just to waste peoples time that don’t need delve gear anymore


Well, this sucks. I was planning on slow gearing a bunch of alts using Zekvir’s lair.

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More like F yo exploits LOL … Delves are not intended to be 2 mins of content you can run 8 times and fill up a vault bar. Glad they spotted it, and kinda wished they were slapping the offenders by dropping 4/8 runs and making them do 4 more tonight before the reset.


Say, “I can’t complete Zekvir” in less words please.


Your alts kill zekvir? Those are some beefy alts man

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All delves should have just been a single interesting boss fight.

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So…Ae you going to affect the vault for main char to also affect alts unlocking vault? This was a cool way for us to gather transmogs and also cover the delve grind to cap vault. Hopefully there’s a better way to tackle this instead of nerfing something with no real solution for alts.

agreed, no need to all of that trash and nonsense task, or the underwater BS