Adjustments to Delve Great Vault Credit Incoming - October 8

It’s a podcast featuring at least one world first raider, wowhead writers, and other snobby elitists who constantly **** on casuals or mid-tier players.

Oh, without a doubt. It’s so blatantly obvious it’s starting to feel like a sneaky version of microtransactions. Except they really aren’t that micro anymore.

“no fun aloud, you have to play the game the way we want you too”

Not at all!

But when bowling, people shouldn’t demand a higher score for knocking down fewer pins.

That’s what’s occurring. “Elitists” want to maintain the integrity of the game, casuals want everyone to feel good and evenly distribute points for “fairness”.

How does casuals

personally affect you?

Unless…you’re actually the one concerned about

Uh because people couldn’t do 10s yet? That’s literally the only reason lol.

Let me see if I can make your analogy work, but it doesn’t really address what people are asking for.

Imagine if a bowling ally was set up so that the best bowling balls and cleanest bowling shoes were available only to people that got a certain score.

All people are asking for here, is a slightly lower threshold to get some of the nicer stuff. That’s all. That won’t affect YOUR bowling score at all. There also isn’t a finite amount of professional bowling balls or cleanest bowling shoes in this scenario, so at worst, you’ll have a few more people using professional grade equipment but still be unable to get the same scores as the people that “earned” it under the old system. Even with the best possible equipment, they still won’t necessarily be able to compete in tournaments or whatever.

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Our tension here is free play vs. structured play.

Someone playing a game with structured play (let’s say soccer) would get upset when the points they’ve scored count for less arbitrarily, or if a player gets more points because their shirt is blue.

Free play there’s no rules, and people see it as unfair to deny people points because structure is antithetical to free play.

WoW isn’t primarily a free play game, and it has components of structure that people enjoy (competing against other players for DPS, or gear, etc etc). Just as completely changing the rules of soccer would upset soccer players, it also upsets people who play video games for structured play.

I want points distributed based on difficulty, others want them distributed to make people feel good regardless of any structure (or to bend structured rules). I’d argue these people are shortsighted, and the erosion of play structures would undermine why many players play this game in the first place. They’d have a short term high, and would quickly move on after they’ve looted the game because they are now bored - there’s nothing to attain or strive for.

Sorry I couldn’t condense that more. But tl;dr, yes it affects the entire game, and it affects me because I enjoy playing it. I want people to stop eroding it’s play structures and looting it for a short term high.

See above.

Heroic raids are challenging content that has been around since WotLK(2008). “Casual” players could not/did not want to do this content for 16 years. So the rewards are limited to “elitist” players.

Mythic raids/dungeons are challenging content that has been around since WoD(2014). “Casual” players could not/did not want to do this content for 10 years. So the rewards are limited to “elitist” players.

Delves have existed for 7 weeks. And it’s available to everyone. I can do it. You can do it. Everyone can do it.

You can still run those Heroic raids. You can still race for those best times in M+. You can still get the thrill of being at the top of the dps charts. You can still get those wildly difficult to obtain achievements/titles. I promise you, “casual” players don’t care about any of that. They just wanna have fun. Let them have fun in their 616 ilvl gear that EVERYONE has access to.

And they are okay with that.

A “casual” that struggles for 2 hours to get through solo delves is just as excited about those 616 bracers showing up in the Vault as you are after you spend 2 hours trying to get the kill on Heroic Ovi’nax for the same 616 bracers that drop from the boss. IN ADDITION to the loot you’ll ALSO get from the vault, AND the 632 ilvl gear you’ll be able to start working on getting from Mythic raids that they will literally never see outside of inspecting that one person doing 27mil more dps than everyone else on the world boss, assuming they’re fast enough to inspect them before they fly off on whatever super cool KSM mount is currently being awarded, that they will also never obtain. You ARE getting “points distributed for difficulty” that casuals will never get.

Someone does Zekvir’s lair to fill vault and Immediately gets patched which means y’all do read/listen/lat attention

Enh shamans have been crying about mobility and the fact WE CANT MOVE IN PVP……. For ever now and nothing. But yeh, let’s patch the one way players had fun filling their vault with delves.

Meanwhile, Brann’s still mess of annoyances. His hitbox needs to be reduced by about 99%. His pets need better training so they’ll actually attack the target I’m attacking instead of standing around doing nothing.

And some more remedial training for Brann as well. He keeps sprinting away whenever he gets aggro on anything, which sometimes leads to him dragging these mobs through other mobs, which means more fighting for me. He also needs to learn priorities, no more gathering while in combat. And give him some glasses while we’re at it so he can see where I’m at instead of blindly chucking potions in inconvenient locations, or right on top of each other.

Some more control in general would be nice too, like a button to make Brann drop a campfire, even if it has a cooldown. And a way to make him drop combat instead of trying to fight whatever I’m trying to avoid.

It’s just so frustrating trying to babysit Brann through delves, that I’m not surprised that a single encounter was so superior of an option.

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You have to complete a tier 8 drive to unlock Zek’Vir’s lair difficulty “?” And a tier 10 to unlock difficulty “??”

But the other comment did tell you where to go to find it. Behind the Orta world boss in Azj-Kahet

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Yes it is. Stop being dense.

how is it fun to only kill the same boss over and over instead of engaging with all the different Delves?


“… those who quickly and repeatedly took advantage of an unintended feature that worked to their benefit before it was removed.”

You should at least have it count ONCE. Just have repeat runs only count the highest difficulty.

Another vote for giving Brann glasses because he likes to throw heals at inanimate objects instead of me or my pet. I just watched him throw a heal at a Placeable Holy Fire object in Nightfall Sanctum during a fight.

Yes, only quiet fun is allowed.

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By community do you mean world content players using delves as their end game or mythic+/raiders treating delves as an annoying chore they don’t want to do but feel “forced” to do it anyway?

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I just came to reiterate this, forcing players to do bountiful full length when they no longer need or want the rewards from the clear is annoying. Leaving the option to unlock vault doors with zekvir was a good balance of player engagement and time spent