Adjustments to Delve Great Vault Credit Incoming - October 8

It was a good bug. Change it back. The only people doing it in the first place are those who only do delves for hero track replacements.

At least make higher level delves worth doing.

Every single person mad about this

You activated my trap card, psuedo unsub

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Look like it never was considering the reaction to this change. :joy:

I’m glad to see improvements to effort => rewards balance, but I think Delve needs more tuning for the solo dps/healer/tank balance.

Context: I did Delves over the past few days on all my characters for the weeklies, had only done a few while leveling before. Brann leveled from like 15 to 45 or something, but it didn’t feel like he actually got stronger. My characters went from ~570-575 to ~580-585 ilvl doing T6 bountifuls (~50 total).

DPS specs can die in a few seconds to enemies auto attacking you; healer Brann generally required, but you could do most pulls with DPS Brann if you have good burst damage, CC, and a defensive. Brann healing is very high when it’s active, but sometimes he’s not doing it when you really need it, or he throws his healing potions in a bad spot. The inconsistency feels terrible. I came to rely a lot on Unbreakable Iron Idol to keep me alive, although a couple of the other combat curios might be viable.

I think I only tried 1 heal spec (druid) with Brann as DPS. It was rough. I don’t play cat so I had to rely on Brann for interrupts. You get aggro which is very different from dungeon/raid healing (I’d rather heal Brann but they need to make him not unkillable). You can heal yourself more consistently than Brann healing, but Brann healing is stronger; it is not easy to keep yourself alive for a sustained period of time, and the more you have to heal yourself the less damage you’re doing so the fight takes longer.

The tank specs I tried (warrior, dh, dk) with Brann as DPS were a much easier time. DPS Brann does almost as much dps as me, maybe more if you factor in the Kill Shots which don’t show in Details. You still can’t stand in everything as a tank, but there’s a much greater room for error.

It would have been worth considering why players were finding this so much more lucrative than running delves as intended and then work on a compromise for that, not just pull the rug out from under players without addressing the core issue. The issue being that delves take 10-20mins each on a well geared character. 8 delves per week are needed to fill the World row of the Vault.

That’s nearly 1.5 - 3 hours per week, per character. That’s not the kind of alt-friendly gameplay you said we’d be enjoying during this expansion. It feels like a job, which most people already have, which is also the main limiter on available play time. In the event that I have a couple alts, I could be spending 12-15 hours per week just doing delves.

Where does that fit in with having a job, a family, and real life obligations? If players are forced to choose, they’ll most likely choose to just not play, or play a game that is more respectful of the realistic time available that players actually have to play video games. Of course, none of this applies to the folks who play video games for a living. Are we to presume that this is now your main audience target?

Players enjoy the challenge of delves, so we shouldn’t nerf the difficulty. Players enjoy playing multiple characters, and the expansion was marketed as alt-friendly, so we shouldn’t discourage folks from playing multiple characters. Players enjoy shiny loot upgrades in the Vault, so we should keep that path of gearing available.

The obvious solution here would be to reduce the amount of delves needed to fill the World slots in the Vault if there are no plans to revert these changes.


Can I have your stuff?

Give the PR team a bonus, they sold the heck of this terrible expansion, but the warts are starting to show real fast.

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It’s kinda sad that the big bad boss for Delves is now useless beyond killing him once on each difficulty to complete the story line and get the void zeppelin. What a shame really. Blizz should have just made it so you only get credit once a week for killing him.

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I understand this - once you get Zekvir down, I could fill up 8 slots in the time it took to do 1 delve.

That being said, I think asking the community to do 8 delves every week is going to cause some serious WoW burnout. I actually really liked, for one week, just running a couple of Delves then doing Zekvir’s Lair a few times to finish up.

Would reconsider an alternative to this.

It’s okay to not fill your vault optimally each week.


Blizzard has proven time and time again, if they drop a gauntlet, most WoW players will always pick it up - so if it takes 8 delves to get the best chance of a useful Heroic tier item, 8 delves is what they will do. Every week. Until they are BiS or burn out.

You can say that and you are technically right, but that doesn’t make it true in practice.

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That’s insane. Lower the absurd HP pools the mobs have so its not a slog to do, and lower the amount of Delves needed.

This just killed gearing alts.

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Then if people can’t engage with the game in a measured way they probably shouldn’t complain about the time investment that is in line with other content’s vault requirements. If time is important and a person hasn’t outgeared it it’s easy enough to see that slot 3 is inefficient. 2 hours for 3 616 options is still better than raid or m+. :man_shrugging:t2:

But expecting us to do 8 M+ a week isn’t?.

Expecting 6 raid boss kills a week isn’t?.

This is the alternative to Mythic plus, for those of us who will not step foot in that content because we didn’t sign up to play Diablo.

Seems on par with the others to me, and clearly how it was intended.

Complete Tier 8 delves, not a Tier ? delve that has 1 mob in it over and over…

If you don’t want to do them, don’t, you’re still going to do your M+ keys, and raids, or LFR, or Heroics.

You have Seven days to do them, 168 hours, you’ll be fine.


I post on this pally because it’s the toon I’ve used for over a decade on these forums and I don’t want to switch to my current main, my lock Kaimade, and lose all of that post history.

Seems it would be obvious to read between the lines and understand I wouldn’t even be able to get into Zek on this toon. But it also seems people these days are not very perceptive.

This is an appalling point of view, as though “casuals” are some lesser group that deserve only scraps from the table of the elite.

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Blizz likes to make things easy to obtain only in the end of an expansion. You know…when it just so happens everyone is having the most fun. Correlation to quickly obtaining gear and being able to gear numerous characters to have fun? Yep. Absolutely. Even with the added benefits this expansion, Blizz is still taking a step backward as usual at the critical point in the beginning of an expansion. Immagine if people could gear so quickly on numerous toons, they could more easily explore Mythic raids or high keys? Wouldn’t that just be terrible…

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This. Exactly this. In fact, I have a friend that only plays during the last season of any expansion because the rails come off and she can finally just focus on having fun.

They made a big deal about warbound gear and gearing up alts. I don’t know about you, but there has been a very light trickle of warbound gear, certainly nowhere near enough to actually gear up alts.

Honestly, if gear were dropping like candy, I’d be playing MORE, not less. As it is now, between the horrendous crafting material requirements and the overtuned dungeons, it feels like a slog to log into and play any of my alts.

No clue why I dont play Delves they’re wack. But seems unproffesional to be like “THESE WILL GIVE YOU REWARDS IN THE VAULT… well… except for this one.”

From a corporate perspective and the way I run my businesses… this seems pretty shabby ngl.

pulls out stock

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Nothing like having to spend obscene amounts of gold and a massive amount of crests on each new item you get.

Sockets, gems, enchants, etc…i bet they’re selling more WoW Tokens now than ever before.

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