Adjustments to Delve Great Vault Credit Incoming - October 8

Ok, so don’t do them.


I can’t believe I am muting a blue post. And it’s not due to the change associated with Zekvir’s Lair, but rather all of the absurd complaints. I am honestly shocked over some of the people complaining about it.


You know what is fun? NOT having to waste 2 hours a week in delves.

So don’t do them if you don’t find them fun.


It is depending on class and delve. I can kill Zek in 2min, but most delves take 25 min. The easy ones take 15. So they replaced a bs 2 min spam with bs 15 minute “spam.” Both stupid, both boring, but now just a much bigger waste of time.

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Sounds like you’re moving slower than you need to. But as I mentioned, it’s still faster filling the delve slots than it is filling the dungeon/raid slots, assuming you’re shooting for an equivalent ilvl in all of them.

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not an option. Every vault slot I have taken was from the delve slots.

Thats true

There are no breaks in Bobby’s Champaign Room

Is there anyone who actually enjoys LFR? Maybe but mostly I think people hate LFR. We do it for early gear/set. saying “just dont do delves if they’re not fun” is such a bad take.


No it isn’t. Forcing yourself to do things you don’t enjoy is the bad take.


Everything in life has good and bad things. I love lasagna but I definitely don’t like the way it makes me feel afterwards. The lasagna here is the hero gear from the vault. The heartburn/gerd is the delves to get the lasagna.
We are complaining because we want delves to either be more fun, less time consuming if it isnt going to be fun, or not give us the reward so we don’t have a reason to do it.
If delves rewarded only champion gear I would have no reason to waste time doing them, but as there is a reward I have a reason to do it like it or not.
Why do delves even reward the 2nd best gear in the game if the content is so easy as everyone says it is? 8’s claim to require 600 ilvl but most people can probably easily do it at 570 ilvl

Lol it never even occurred to me that he would count towards the vault. It never should have been a thing to begin with and should have been fixed a lot sooner. Blizz, you should know your players well enough by now to know how this would play out.

Last Tuesday i logged in to start my weekly wow chores. Immediately i felt dread and boredome, not at just doing the dailies, but running 8 delves… I then logged out and uninstalled TWW as ive been unable to find a heroic guild that needs a hunter and raids ons the days and times i can. Puggin M+ is an hour of applying for the group to fall apart, and delves where cool the first few times you do them but it isnt somthing i want to spend 4-5 hours doing. Then sunday night i leanred i can get my GV filled with just ? And so i reinstalled the game and filled my vault in 45ish mins. This is a weekly task that i could do until the 20th anniversary content comes out. But then blizzard killed it.

There was nothing to test? Short of allowing Zekvir to possibly count once a week, but not being farmable. It was egregious to allow it to count every kill.

It is still fun buddy… you can grind the same thing and it should be the same level of fun (!)

Which is something that would have come up during testing.

You will, stop being a drama queen.

Not according to the massed M+ dwellers spamming them. Try again.

I dunno that doing Zekvir 8 times was fun.