Adjustments to Delve Great Vault Credit Incoming - October 8

Delve row in the Great Vault dead for many players past gearing up in delves… Good job, I guess.

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Won’t someone think about the poor casuals who now have to spend a similar amount of time filling the vault as M+ers and raiders do?

Blizz is just being so mean and unfair.

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Out of curiousity… what is the point of Zekvir now? It doesn’t give loot, it doesn’t give credit and it doesn’t give an achievement on the ? difficulty. This change honestly feels spiteful and I’m a bit surprised by some of the responses in here.

Why is it being compared to M+ when it doesn’t drop loot? Why are grinding T8s so important? Why does the community hate eachother so much that they want to see others fail or waste there time? This change has 0 upside for anyone.

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It has some loot. Just not great loot. I feel I get a veteran warbound purple every 3 or so kills. I enjoy those as an altohalic and disenchanter

But no, this is a poor change. I maintain that they should just limit you to three zekvir kills of vault progress a week.

why do so many people who say this not say it about things that are actually fun? it only seems to get used when an unintended exploit gets fixed.


I’m flabbergasted at how toxic casual delvers in this thread are demanding more and easier loot from delves.

Y’all already receive too much reward for the difficulty of the content. Give a casual and inch, they’ll demand a mile.

Wipe your chin when you’re done

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wipe yourself stinky

I really don’t care about this change much.

What bothers me more, is that with ALL of the things that are straight-up broken in this expansion right now, THIS is what they are wasting their development resources on???

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That’s exactly what they did. Zekvir was being farmed for vault slots so they fixed that. Zekvir’s not meant to be farmed. You beat each difficulty once (if you can) for the cosmetics and that’s it. He was never supposed to be used for progression.

You get the Nemesis achievement for defeating Zekvir, which includes on ? difficulty.

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You can get vaults without getting Zekvir, why people rather do a challenging boss 8 times instead of doing 8 mid diff instances? That’s what they should look at.

Well, what a waste of a designed encounter imo. Honestly, if you made an encounter to be done once and people keep doing it, at least means something is right. Just make it weekly locked…

It’s not that Zekvir is being used for PROGRESSION, the reward comes from the Delve loot system, not by Zekvir himself. Zekvir is being used for CONVENIENCE, that’s the difference.

Perhaps it’s time to re-think the Vault as that’s the underlying issue… some players will force themselves into content they don’t enjoy simply to fill out the vault. As such, they’ll chose the path of most efficiency while complaining about it.

Just add a weekly quest to the Vault where players choose their track for the next weeks vault. Raid, Dungeons, Delves/Open world or PvP.

Remember, the Vault was originally a single RNG item. So limiting players to a single track, but allowing them to fill it up to say 5 options (instead of 3) is good option… imo.

The meltdown if they did that would be of epic proportions.

You can do better than that little bro

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I’d take it a step further and say this game needs a better unifying reward than gear. FFXIV isn’t about gear which is why the community is much more cooperative instead of competitive.

That said it would basically uproot all of WoW so I don’t know if it could be done.

Gonna put some loot in the Zekvir delve now? add him to the bountiful list?

Also nerf M+ so my healers don’t quit.

Plusers wouldn’t do that. They hate tyrannical. They’d only do it if it was AoE

I matched your level, you do better first.

they should, great vault has a world quest option to fill. special assignments dont reward sparks either. it’s dumb.

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Got it. So we are back to not respecting gamers time again. Nice to see you are reverting back to your horrible practices as a company. Not surprising. Knew your company couldn’t keep up the positive work you were able to achieve with launch. Respecting peoples time. Back to making this game in effect a 2nd job.