Adjustments to Delve Great Vault Credit Incoming - October 8

The issue is that this person is probably counting “echoes” as extra keys which is honestly kinda of a joke. They are so bad in general. And the WQ’s rewards that reward fragments are already rare enough to even count as an extra key in general.

No mention of being able to earn more than 4 a week there. Try again with some actual proof on your end. It’s not my job to provide your evidence for you.

Nope, havent done any echoes or combined any key shards.

I don’t believe that even if I filmed a long form video doing all the quests and unlocking all the boxes you would even be convinced by that.
I would have to wait until next week or level another character because I don’t have enough quests available.

Just here to say sometimes its ok to say it’s a feature not a bug if the players like it.

Why would there not be any articles about being able to earn more than 4 if it were actually possible?

It wasn’t the player chosen path because it was fun. It was the player chosen path because it was faster.

Good, now we can get back to talking about how much of a slug it is. Brann nearing lvl 50, 30+ ilvls later and mobs are still giant damage sponges…

Everyone just copy pastas each other for clicks and views.
There are reddit threads about it though.
Took me all of 3 seconds to pull that up.

Bound to happen - just surprised it wasn’t counted as a lower level

There are two options here. Either you are the only person to be lucky enough to receive more than 4 keys a week from boxes, or you’re mistaken about where those keys came from.

Just type it into the wow reddit and scroll from post to post. People are saying they got 11 in a week without purchasing one from the vendor.

Nah. You say you found these links, post them.

Hot take idea, let the kill count for one slot a week, but revert the recent nerfs and increase the great vault reward for t2 to m10 vault reward ilvl.

Give rewards for difficult content. Give solo players a chance for the same loot as m10 groups

Running eight delves a week got old two weeks ago.

Now Zekvir’s Lair- a delve that awards delve credit and you’re directed to from the Delve NPC area- is no longer a delve.

I’d be fine if they capped out Zekvir’s lair at counting as one per week but now they’re counting it as nothing. Because someone might run it eight times a week to cap out their delve vault rewards. Like that’s a bad thing or something.

Saw this one coming from a mile away.

Necessary change too. No one should be filling a row in the GV in 20 minutes of game time.


And in this case, necessarily nerfed.

When have you ever gotten a full row of GV rewards in 20 minutes? Spamming 8 M+ take just as long or even longer than 8 T8 delves and that’s not even counting the time to get a group together. Raid? Clearing Heroic/Mythic can’t be done that fast.


a bit too controlling…who cares if players were doing that to fill their vaults? This entire system was for like world quest players, explorers, RP people…

Zekvir is probably equally challenging for them as it would be for a seasoned wow Veteran to do a +8 for easy heroic gear.

Stop trying to micro manage how players min/max your systems imo. It does not affect me (or anyone else really) in the slightest if someone wants to do zek a few times to get some 616’s in their vault - maybe busy irl week, or playing alts, etc. :melting_face:


They should just cut out the middle man and send us 5 random pieces of the highest gear each week for logging in. We’d finally be chore free!!

I’m kidding, but I do think they should let us get 8 keys per week though.