Adjustments to Delve Great Vault Credit Incoming - October 8

Basing it off the text for the boxes and having played the game. I have no idea where you’ve gotten this idea that you can get more than 4 a week from the boxes.

I can assure you they are full of crap. My Arcane mage in 575 gear still takes 15-20 mins to clear for her level simply because Brann is less helpful LOL

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Read the box big guy, It says you are guaranteed to get 4 keys from your first four boxes. It makes no mention of a limit.
I only do the box quests, i switch from character to character and do them all. My death knight has 3 more keys than the next guy. He’s never combined shards to make one because hes not done world souls or world quests to combine shards.

Seeing a lot of (rightly) upset voices regarding this subject. Personally I found doing 8 consecutive runs of Zekvir to be mindless and tedious and not as fun to do as just running regular T8 Delves where I at least need to plan out pulls on mobs and how I’ll navigate around. The only reason Zekvir was run at all was because he was the quickest and most efficient way to fill out max tier vault slots every week. So let’s address the actual problem with Zekvir, shall we?

There is literally nothing to justify doing Zekvir runs beyond one kill on each of his difficulty options. As far as I can tell you can’t get more than the one drop of crests from the end chest per week, and you can’t get exp for Brann. At most you have a chance at Warbound item drops and a handful of Valorstones. The only reason anyone ran Zekvir beyond their first kill on each difficulty option was because of how efficiently killing him filled up the great vault. I ultimately agree with completions of Zekvir’s Lair no longer filling up vault slots at all but it highlights this issue of nothing being gained from doing repeat runs.

How about in exchange for losing the efficient great vault filling we at least be able to farm him for Runed Crests? We only get like 2 per T7+ run anyway, so it’d take a lot of farming to upgrade all of our gear with it, but at least we’d have an efficient method of focusing into just that. Or how about a more creative option? One that can be used either in combination with or as an alternative to what I just said, in fact: Let Zekvir’s Lair be Bountiful once per week, with a completion of it–and at the expense of a key at the end–allowing us to get a piece of Hero 1 - 3 gear depending on which difficulty the run was done on? This would more than justify doing at least one run of him per week, and he’d only go Bountiful once every week. This way we can effectively get an extra piece of vault loot, more than incentivizing not only doing this Bountiful run every week, but also perhaps justifying buffing him back up a bit so he serves as a challenge option in exchange for higher tier loot.

There is a hard cap of 4 from boxes.

You can also get extra one-time keys from renown.

I know they are :slight_smile:

The forum posts are all over the place about this.

some say they can farm T8+ in 5 min

Others are saying if they can’t farm zekvir ? for vault in 5min they have no reason to play cuz the others take to long

If they can do ? in 5 min and any t8 in 5min what would it matter right?

Good picture. See no limit. Just a guarantee on the first boxes. I’ve never collected any renown rewards on my deathknight.

It also doesn’t say you won’t get champion track gear from any chests, early in the week or later. Is that just an RNG thing too?

Yeah. Sometimes theres gear in there as well

Be a little less obvious with the bait maybe?

I’ve never seen more than 4 a week from boxes, and neither has anyone else or it would have been reported on through wowhead, mmo-champion and/or icy-veins. But none of them have ever heard of getting more than 4 a week from boxes.

So it’s significantly more likely that you’re mistaken than everyone else being wrong.

Charstone-moonguard if you need to vet my level 70 forum toon over pointless delve achieves.

It’s pretty funny that the first thing they think of when they see everyone running the fastest delve possible to fill the vault is to nerf it into the ground, instead of asking themselves why players are wanting to get delves over with asap.

Add the mythic track upgrading crests to tier 11 delves outside the RNG maps and give people a reason to farm the normal bountiful delves after we’re already fully geared.


Where do you see any of those sites claiming it’s capped?

L Change. Just let people have easy vault slots. No one wants to spend 100-200 minutes running boring Vault 8s. If the playerbase is going to be bored at least let us be bored for less time.


The section on obtaining restored coffer keys mentions nothing about being able to earn more than 4 a week from boxes.

Now how about you provide some actual proof that they can drop more than 4 a week.

Eh, maybe you guys should just limit the amount of runs that would contribute to the vault. From 1-3 seems reasonable to me instead of just removing it altogether.

I don’t really care since I find Delves extremely boring, but outright just removing it from the vault contribution seems kinda harsh.

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Having the first ? and ?? each week count would be nice.

Yup no mention of a cap there. In fact they’re saying the same thing I am. That you can get more than 4 per week.

So many cry babies in this thread

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