Adjustments to Delve Great Vault Credit Incoming - October 8

Oh, it is genuine to the person that got it, and a slap in the face to the one who understood it to be an insult. Good job! Hey Blizz, can we get this guy a gold star?

The one you could buy in Remix for just… leveling an alt?


Never did Remix, and even bailed on Classic. Retail finally has all the QoL changes I have wanted for 18 years. No sense in subjecting my self to past barbarism.

…why not just limit it to once a week if you’re so concerned about people filling out the bottom row of their great vault?

Novel idea, I know.


This has got to be a joke


You missed out! Remix was actually pretty fun.

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So I heard. Some friends of mine did it. Til they shut it down and converted everyone to retail LOL

You people really can’t get out of your own way can you?


a t8 takes me around 10 mins, even faster if you use some invis pots or camo to avoid some of the useless packs that just slow you down


Do people really think that other people who quit playing video games because they’re not fun are cowards?

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So now instead of being able to fill that row by doing a fight that takes about 3 minutes, the only option is to do full delves that take at like 15 minutes?

Can we at least get a significant reduction in the health of mobs and bosses in Delves then? I mean, I’m not saying the Delves are too hard, I’m saying they just take too long. Damage could stand to go down on a lot of things too, but mostly the health is the problem. The end boss of a standard T8 Delve takes nearly as long as Zekvir on its own.

If Zekvir isn’t going to be doing ANYTHING for the Great Vault, he should at least give a Bounty Map for the first kill each week, so there is at least one reason to kill him.


whelp guess its back to waiting for researcher’s delve to pop up to get the delve spam going :')

Yes, that describes me. I cannot relate with people who wanted to skip the delve experience and just beat down Elvis over and over.

“We’re ending the impulse” Gosh, what a better way to phrase this. Too bad its transparent, you already let the cat out of the bag when the first round of Delve tuning was done because “combat times were too low”

AKA, players aren’t putting in enough Delve hours and the metrics weren’t looking good. I did most of my vault credit through T8 delves, not Zek’vir. I still can’t look at this change with anything except cynicism.


Then what did you mean by this?:

What exactly is it that you’re competing for? Who is forcing you to run five alts and do eight delves a week on every single one of them? Because I’m gonna be honest with you. Blizzard is not forcing you to do any of that.

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oh Yeah with my main Pala 616 with 4 tier( Know not that great, I play casually) it takes around that
but with the alt army, its not that fast, Zekvir lairs was so good with characters around 595 - 605

You okay? If you’re trying to sound smart, you’re doing a comically bad job.

It was supposed to be a way for the solo player like me get some decent gear. I haven’t done group content since Shadowlands and even then I didn’t do it often. But I do delves on all of my level 80 clothies. Mage, Priest and Warlock.


Unfortunately another very confusing fun-detected decision from the “We’re listening to the players” Blizzard.

Your choices for filling up bottom track Vault essentially came down to having to run Delves with no keys or do a fight that can be a pretty fun warm up but give even worse rewards than the non-keyed Delve, with that latter option now not even being an option anymore if this goes through.

Didn’t you attack someone earlier for not being on topic and now you’re talking about MoP remix and getting the sha mount