Why Can't We Have Layer QoL Like SWTOR?

Everyone seems to have to suffer the bugs of layers because WoW devs are bend on ignoring layers even exist, like we’re pretending that we’re still in the ol’ days where realms were capped at one layer. If the layers must be here, can we get some UI or QoL with them? I don’t understand how free games like Star Wars: the Old Republic have way better layer QoL than a “premier” MMO like WoW.

Not only does SWTOR offer layer UI, but it also default to the layer that you have the most friends/guildees/party members on. This would be a tremendous gain for game modes on WoW like Classic Hardcore, where many players lose their one-life character due to layering bugs, or as I’d like to call it l aziness and corporate greed. Not to mention on SWTOR you can choose to layer swap on a cooldown. On WoW this feature is exclusive to players that have the knowledge and access to other players/friends to help them layer.

I don’t even want layers. It ruins my Classic experience. Modern WoW, it’s fine. If this must be here, we need QoL and UI for it, especially on one-life modes like Classic Hardcore.

I’ll be on SWTOR until layer QoL is added, which may mean I’ll never log on again.