Premium?! Dude, its 15 bucks a month, you are in no way special. Everyone pays the price. And the game that you pay a “premium subscription price” for, is full playable without add-ons. Also, the twitch launcher is in no way sketchy, and its insanely easy to operate. If you ARE NOT using the launcher, then that’s your own problem.
I think the most problematic thing here is you said you’ve played 312 full 24 hour days worth of dota 2.
26,956,800 whole seconds.
We’re keeping addons. Sorry if you get left behind. You’re perfectly allowed to use them or not use them.
When has it not been considered a questionable third party?
Oh wow, I didn’t notice how long this topic was before posting. Holy hell.
No, they don’t make them you dimwit.
The entire concept of your request and reasoning shows that you have absolutely no common sense or know anything about anything, ever. I’m amazed you made it this far in life.
What do you mean if I want to get the same advantages in PvP I’m forced to used them or play handicapped.
@Relapsee I have to admit some of those hours were me leaving up my client on all day during tournaments with the hope id get tournament item drops.
Then you clearly do not understand what your monthly subscription is paying for. It is not what you are asking for.
Blizzard allows people to use addons as long as they are not being used to exploit the game in any fashion. What you are asking for would be something where Blizzard would have to find a way to allow the people who make those addons to upload those files safely to their hosting page and operate and manage that site page to make sure non safe files are never uploaded there. Blizzard shouldn’t be responsible for something like this since the game runs fully fine with zero addons. Are they great to have? Yes! They are very useful, but they are not required to play the game.
Blizzard even took ideas from many addons created by others and put them into the game as their own so people don’t have to use those addons anymore.
What I am paying for in my monthly subsciption as evolved over the years. Adding all addon’s to blizzard launcer or website is just another step in the evolution of the game.
Addon’s are developments to the game, blizzard has aloud players to develop the game on their own, all developments of the game should be available to all players via blizzard themselves. Blizzard should be fully responsible for all developments to their game what are you talking about makes absolutely no sense that blizzard shouldnt be directly involved its their game.
They arn’t required to play the game sure but they do give players massive advantages over other players in game.
So this thread is still going it seems.
Crispercake, can you name one game at all that does what you are asking Blizzard to do? Seriously, just one. I have played many, many games over the years and I haven’t came across one yet where the company does what you are saying Blizzard should do.
All the addons in other games are from third party makers and it works just like it does in WoW.
That is why they are called addons though. They are giving players a chance to allow them to the ability to create their own addons to make quality of life changes to the game to make it more accessible for players, but they do not support them because they believe they have made and designed didn’t need addons, but they acknowledged that players would like some of these quality of life stuff from these addons so they allowed it instead of spending the time to make their own. Just be lucky that you are allowed to use any addons in the first place in the game. Some other MMO’s don’t even allow it at all.
Honestly this concern here should be posted in the General Discussion post since this concern doesn’t have much to do with Classic.
Exactly, they shouldn’t be aloud in the game at all because they are unfair. if World of Warcraft was a single player I wouldn’t have any problem with addons. But the way they are being designed gives players advantage in competition. It is unfair that every single addition isn’t made visible and available to all players from blizzard.
@ Summerayn-alexstrasza I can’t think of any competitive game that allows players to add additions to the game that weren’t already in there and not consider it a form of cheating.
I will agree that there are several addons that do give players some kind of advantage, but most of them are so minor and non game breaking that they allow them.
Like DBM. It just tells you information about a boss fight like timers and if you get a buff, it flashes on your screen that you got that debuff or whatever. In current WoW, you really don’t need DBM since the game really kind or explains that to people already what you do.
Auctioneer addon is a common one people use which allows people to see prices and etc from the auction without being at the auction, but this doesn’t really provide much of an advantage since it just shows the information while not standing at the auction. Now if it allowed you to put items on the AH while not being near the auction NPC, that would be bad.
I didn’t any auction addon, before I would have to search the prices myself and then create a price and it took alot of time. I use auctionator lists all the prices for me, automatically snipes the lowest price and also makes buying stuff way easier because it lists all the prices lowest to highest for you. Auctionatorr mines the AH for you, it gives you such a huge advantage over people in the Auction House game. Its hard for me to believe that every one that uses it can’t recognize that its is basically cheating the AH game.
Dear diary, Today I think I’ll post a useless post on the blizzard forums.
op you are very special my friend
If you believe that this addon is considered cheating in the game, I would make that point to the Blizzard Devs on the General Discussion section of the forums so they can review that report to determine if the addon needs to be prevented from being used in the game.
If they do not, then that is their choice and unfortunately, you would have to live with that decision and move on to something else.
Trust me I have, the more I do the more they choose to restrict addon’s in classic. It is fantastic, all you adddon addicts who can’t play the game without them can stick to BFA.
I actually created a thread called addon’s are cheating. It was flagged for 2 days and blizzard left it up. They only took it down because the addon’s users started to become incredible hateful and offtopic because the thought of their precious addon’s would be regonized as what they acually were, cheating.
I have to agree with you somewhat on this point. I think the AH mod you are thinking of is called TSM if I remember right. I never have used it and never intend to. I agree that it does feel a bit like cheating regarding that one. I have put things up in the AH and have them be bought the very second it was put up. When that happened more than once within a few minutes time, I knew something odd was happening.
And what really gets me is when I bid on something and I am outbid instantly over and over again. Now, on occasion it could just be someone at the AH doing their thing like I am doing and they bid again once they are outbid. But there has been times where it was obvious it wasn’t a player there and it felt like a mod was doing it for them, which really doesn’t feel right to me.
With that said, there have been mods in the past the Blizzard has broken when it crossed that line to borderline cheating in some form. Some that I can think of off the type of my head was the Vanilla mods Decursive and Healbot for example. And recently I know they broke a mod the made it easy for people to realm hop, the player base was outraged.
Blizzard has said that they would not be allowing certain types of addons in Classic. So basically, some mods definitely cross that line and Blizzard breaks them.