Addons seriously

I understand exactly what Im paying for, Im saying should that it should include addons as well. Its just another step in the evolution of the game.

Ok, but it’s not and I highly doubt it is going to in the future. End of story.

add-ons must not negatively impact World of Warcraft realms or other players.
Add-ons will perform no function which, in Blizzard Entertainment’s sole discretion, negatively impacts the performance of the World of Warcraft realms or otherwise negatively affects the game for other players. For example, this includes but is not limited to excessive use of the chat system, unnecessary loading from the hard disk, and slow frame rates.

some addons are negetively impacting me boom lets remove all addons that affect other players. (PvP addons, auction house addons are all negetivly affect other players.

Key word… Players… more than one… If it is effecting one person, they aren’t going to care unless it really is a bad addon that is clearly exploiting the game.

And you know exactly what you are getting when you pay them, it doesn’t include them hosting add ons.

Yes but it does include me being able to make a forum post complaining how it should include them hosting add ons.

No one is denying you that right to make feedback about that concern, but what we all here are stating is that your suggestion here is not really a good one and that Blizzard is most likely going to look this over and toss it to the side because it does not seem to be worth their time since there are third party sites that can do this for the players.

No no no My suggestion is a great one and you dont know what blizzard will do.

You are right! I don’t know what Blizzard will or will not do. I am making assumptions based on what is considered good or bad feedback and looking at all the responses from everyone else on this thread, this is not a great suggestion and most likely will never happen.

We don’t but judging by 15+ years of addons being available and hosted on 3rd party sites, we can safely assume that nothing will change outside of them specifically breaking addons that are outside of what they believe should be available in classic.
And no, that’s not an invitation to say they will ban all addons, they said they would break specific addons and the functionalities that blizzard themselves do not like. That does not include what you don’t like.

Clearly anything not pro addon is a dissenting opinion on these forums. Doesn’t mean I shouldn’t present it.

If you feel you need to present it, you should present it to Blizzard directly, not a forum that is only barely skimmed over by mods who may or may not care to pass anything on.

And again, everyone else here including Blizzard is not denying you that right at this moment to provide that feedback. We are providing our opinions that the suggestion you are requesting for from Blizzard is not a good suggestion and will most likely not happen based on how Blizzard has handled addons in the past 15 years the game has been out.

i’ve come to present it for discussion to my fellow forum dwellers.

In all honestly, the forums is the only place to provide feedback. Contacting them directly is not advised since the GM’s can’t do much with the feedback besides send it up. They will just toss them back into the ocean with the rest of us.

We aren’t saying you’re not allowed to whine and moan, we’re just telling you we’re tired of hearing it.

And obviously the discussion is not on your side.

You are not paying for addons. Blizzard does not make addons. Blizzard prevents addon makers from charging.

You don’t get a vote.

No one is forcing you to read my posts.

You are absolutely right about that. I just love watching bad players squirm when their entire argument is shut down by a hundred people confirming that their moronic idea won’t make them any better at the game. Here’s a newsflash: Pro players playing at Blizzcon (both in the MDI and AWC) don’t use addons. Being a good player doesn’t come down to how customized your User interface is, and Blizzard barring addons isn’t going to suddenly bring everyone down to your sub basement level.

Maybe instead of spending so much time complaining on the forums get that honor level above 25, and actually learn something about your class.