You think its absurd that a game developer should be responsible for all developments they allow in their game?
I think that Blizzard having already given people free rein for 15 years, should in no way be responsible for the content of the addons, except to prevent those addons that they do not wish to exist.
Don’t claim generalities in a specific instance.
Well I think Blizzard having allowed people free rein for 15 years is a mistake and they should in all ways be responsible for the content of the addons for Classic.
Yes it is pretty absurd, it’s very standard practice for games that support player made mods and add ons to handle them exactly the same way blizzard does.
They don’t distribute or regulate specific add ons, if they find an add on doing something they don’t like they break that functionality.
Can you give me an example of a Competitive subscription based game that allows mods.
Just another aspect of the game to play, and you get it free with your subscription woot!
Yeah and the point of the subscription is that you are paying devs for continuous updates. I see addons as updates that I should be receiving from blizzard themselves.
And I see it as you getting hundreds of extra developers at no cost to you or Blizzard.
Blizzard has over the years incorporated a number of addons into the base UI, perhaps you should be asking for those instead of banning add ons.
Yes and I am saying lets take that a step further and implement addons into their own launcher.
You are literally the only person who thinks this was a mistake…
Addons are never updates. They are just a quality of life feature that players choose to use or not use. If you do not want to use them, then don’t. Having Blizzard tell Twitch to migrate all of their addon data base to a Blizzard owned site would not change how the addon is being used and how the special advantage that it may provide. It would only change where players would get that addon. Blizzard still wouldn’t be responsible for the addon because they didn’t create it.
Now if you are looking for Blizzard to create their own addons, why do this when they can just create it as a feature and auto put it into the game as a feature? Making it an addon would be just a waste of time and resources doing that.
Are you a god am I speaking to a literal omniscient being???
Why should they bother, plenty of people are more than happy to host them for blizzard.
because I am paying them.
You’re changing positions depending on the argument put.
Look at the original topic post.
No, he’s building up to “Oh well if they can’t let ban all addons”. It’s his tired trope.
If you are going to use this as your escape goat then you clearly do not understand what you are paying for then when you pay a subscription.
Use the email at the end of this quote. The Classic forum isn’t the place for this.