Addons greatly devalue the Classic Experience

But addons are allowed.

Posts like this are from people who never played Vanilla.


This, the actual vanilla questhelper addon was far more powerful than what people have even had on pservers.

No one said it was ā€œagainst the spirit of the gameā€ back then though, I dont remember a guild recruitment message that didnt say they required CT_raid.

I donā€™t know why some people think vanilla was the land of no addons.


I even remember an add-on i. BC (donā€™t recall if it was in vanilla, though i think it was) that would track, rather accurately, the location of opposite factions in each realm.

Pretty sure they broke that one fast if my memory suits me lol

And? My point was Vanilla wasnā€™t the pristine experience some people seem to believe.

I loved addons back in Vanilla. Specifically ones to customize my UI. I use them in Live and Iā€™ll be using them in Classic.

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All I need is my trp3 to have an rp profile and Iā€™m good ^^

The only addons Iā€™ll be using are a threat meter and a swing timer. Iā€™ll leave my UI alone for once and just enjoy the game as it was intended.

Except for the AH. Iā€™ll absolutely use an AH addon. Forgot about that one.

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I wasnt sure how to take your response, my bad for misinterpreting .

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No one is forcing you to use addons. If you want the extra challenge of reading quests and deciphering the clues, more power to you.

Back in 2004, I was using thottbot to look up quest info. I think Venruki is a great steamer and caster, but I totally disagree with him in regards to addons.

If you take away questie, wowhead will still be available and is just as helpful but not as fast.

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but it is . just because you say its not doesnt invalidate it.

fact is addons have been in the game since even before it hit live. quest helper addons have been in the game since as early as i can remember (though to be honest its been 15 years so even my memory is fuzzy on exact dates).

you do have a point that making the game more challenging for yourself is sometimes preferable buttttttt you shouldnt get to speak for the entire playerbase.

so ya . chill out and play how you like. ill play how i like.


literally Ion saying its not a valid argument. First words he says here.

wait people actually care what ion says?


because he is the developer? hrmmmā€¦

youre not getting the joke .

honestly though just saying just dont use addons then isnt a valid argument are being intellectually dishonest.

for a dev to say it is different because they get to set the rules for everyone else and i assume hes talking about lfg type addons (saying this before i watch the video) which are another thing entirely .

Itā€™s not Blizzardā€™s job to do this.

Iā€™ll play how I want, thanks.

ya im not watching all 42 mins of that to try and pick out a quote you have hidden in there.

i will say in most cases it is indeed " play how you want and ill play how i want ". live and let live.

in the case of the lfg type addon they said they would probably break those addons or the functionality of them if they come out.

pretty much everything else though that isnt cheating they will let live.

Edit: which was the case in actual vanilla. which this is based on as much as they could get it to be close to it.

I didnā€™t hear anything about add ons, youā€™ll have to provide an actual time stamp.

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Threads like this are just foolish and sad.

Telling people what value they have in the game is pathetic of people.

Trying to tell people how to play the game is wrong and people who do this are wrong.

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holy crap zirus and i agree.

thats it guys . close the game now. the world is ending.

the time stamp is 43:52 and I was not talking about add ons just the quote:
ā€œJust dont use addons thenā€ isnā€™t a valid argument." Also some people need to stop piggy backing of of conversations if they have not read the whole thing. I never said anything about add ons