Addons, a cheat? Or are they a boon and if so to whom

Being auto-assisted by addons in fights is cheating, accept it.

Anything this DH doesn’t like is cheating to them, even if it’s explicitly allowed by the devs who make the rules.

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So tell me you know nothing about addons without telling me you know nothing about addons.

They don’t auto assist. That’s called botting.

Addons aren’t bots.


Feeding you information that should be told otherwise through boss actions/animations through sounds or words spoken by a computer voice is cheating. Accept it. You know this to be true. If you can’t rely on your eyes and ears and senses to tell what a boss is doing
why are you playing a video game? Chess would be better.

Auto assist addons are “easy mode” and I’m so glad FFXIV is banning idiots using these things, reminds me there’s hope that there’s a director out there that belives in our senses still to clear boss fights. Other games like Dark Souls/Elden Ring/Sekiro/etc also are legendary for having bosses just do things and you react
no auto assist program to tell you bosses next move.

If you go and watch the original making of World of Warcraft, clips and interviews dating between 2001-2003, on the progress of WoW and the general development, there is a quote in one of the interviews that specially states that World of Warcraft was designed with accessibility and use of addons.

So from the very start of the game, even before it was released, it had addon support.

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Fun fact: there is a guild full of deaf players that are just now getting their AOTC. Addons can also help people that can’t listen to sound but use visual queues.

But continue on with how addons are cheating?

Quit talking out of your buttocks.


Why does it bother you that I use an addon that tells me how many kills I have had on a boss that may drop some rare item and which mobs may drop this?

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The only thing I can see that is close to being a “cheating” addon is “allhealershavetodie” and it’s not even that bad because 99% don’t focus healers anyways unless you’re in an RBG and in voice.

It’s like the community needs that addon in order to git gud

For those who are deaf or otherwise have such struggles that’s ok. For those who are not and have the ability to use information gathering senses, addons should be banned for them(namely DBM, etc). Addons should be heavily restricted to stuff like bagnon and things that don’t affect boss fights or any fights or combat at all.

Why should I have my style of play hindered by your opinion.


After going back and playing other mmo’s with no addons I have come to the realization that they are like training wheels.

I only have Addons that either allow me to RP [Such as Total RP 3, Emote Splitter etc] or Addons that change up my UI, or let me see how much gold I have on my toons, or just general quality of life addons.

So, no. They are not a cheat but a boon. They make life so much easier and prettier.

Must be Sunday


That’s beyond stupid.

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I get it, you want the game super EZ mode. My point still stands
addons that affect combat only lower players skills due to dependency on auto-assistance. That’s a fact.

Do you currently use dbm for raiding?

No need, the guild already calls out stuff thats gonna happen over discord and I’m a DPS
I just kill stuff. I’m not a tank that needs to know to start moving boss because DBM said a mechanic CD is up in 10 seconds.

So if the guild is using an addon, to then tell you when to move
 little odd isnt it?

So if they removed dbm and you at this present time are relying on your raid leaders callouts, who is using an addon that yracks timers, where would that put you?

Your rl can no longer read timers for you.

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I’ve just come to accept that wow players can’t play wow without auto assistance addons so I just go with it. All I do is hit the boss till it dies anyway and just move out of bad stuff.

So you let your guildies do the mechanics while you tunnel the boss side stepping?