Addons, a cheat? Or are they a boon and if so to whom

“Healers have to die” is what it was called, I think. I used that one for awhile because I had trouble figuring out who the healers were (even on my own team) and would try to either kill opposing or defend my own teams healers.

Couldn’t get into it though. I think I was being interrupted too much irl to bother much with it.

There is one true fact about addons that is unavoidable. They are optional, you can opt to go without them. Trying to force your choice on any other players is just wrong.

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It’s not so much about that as it is other people thinking the war on addons should begin because Blizzard is taking UI steps to try and improve it.

These threads have always existed but they weren’t as frequent or as loud until the Dragonflight announcement because people think that making improvements to the base UI is somehow them also aiming to ban addons. Which isn’t true.

People came in swinging though because FF14 is also a “pure” game but really, it’s not. There was a big scandal with FF14 recently involving a boss being downed with the use of addons and it being streamed and the community flipped out.

Blizzard has made zero comment involving actually wanting to remove addons or anything like that. It’s just people making assumptions and aiming to frame arguments in various ways.

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Just the latest “Crusade” the righteous have decided to pursue. Multi box, paid carry, now they are on to addons. Forcing their way on everyone else. Just a hobby for the busybodies of WoW I guess. I chalk it up to the rise of the evangelical religious right.

It’s true, being able to put detailed RP information or not having to click every grey item to vendor has truly given me an unfair advantage.

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Blizzard definitely in a tough spot for addons, on one hand they simplify it for a lot of the high end players but also seen post where they help blind and deaf players play the higher end content whom probably couldnt play mythic raids if blizzard blocked it

Best solution is blizzard make the base UI better, and make visuals or alerts better to lessen the need except for those who truly need

They are making a new UI…didn’t you see DF announcement?

Has nothing to do with politics or relgion, otherwise I agree.

It’s control. It may also be another game’s staff trying to affect this game, competition being the key but Idk really.

Either way, it’s weird behaviour that seems to get into everything lately, ingame and irl. Hope it passes soon.

See this thread: Simplest solution for computational addons

Or you can just ban any computational addon

No, it’s usually because some streamer said addons bad with no context, and players unquestioningly bought it.

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Pretty sure troll thread but what the hey, kinda bored so I’ll bite.

Addons are fine. If it’s determined in specific instances for whatever reason they are not, Blizzard breaks them, which has happened.

If anything addons and the surrounding community are hyper beneficial. To the extent that the most popular and ubiquitous addons are commonly integrated into the games default ui or other systems.

More interesting questions come up when you argue from the pov that Blizz designs encounters around addons, looking at you DBM.

If they wanted us to stop using weakauras to assign soaks, they would give us enough time to do it manually.

I’d say addons are something that started out innocent and have become too much over time. Which addons should go and which should stay isn’t easy to answer.

Damage meters seem fine. UI addons seem fine.

Interestingly, the addon API has gotten significantly less powerful over time.

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Agreed, depends on the case. I’ve always used standard ui + clique & DBM/recount in raids. If Blizz decided to gut a lot of the addons based on a more clear standard that wouldn’t really bother me.

Like I said there are interesting chats to be had re: addons - pretty sure this thread is nonsense though :melting_face:

It’s that a popular streamer had decided banning addons is the next crusade for his fans.

It’s very hard to have productive discussions on the forums, given how likely it is someone who has no idea what they are talking about will barge in and start presenting their uninformed opinions as facts and calling everyone who points out that they aren’t making sense trolls


They should. And they can still let WA do it. Or they can just make it a mechanic and display the WA buff. They’re all about the same thing right now. I’d prefer a human assigning soaks.

A raid command class would be neat. Have a dedicated person calling mechanics. Painting zones. Calling certain CDs. Calling shots and phases. Coordinating everything. That’s all they do. Everyone else gets minimal info and zero automaton. That’s hardcore and many don’t want it though. So I am not asking for it. Just thinking about it. Eve online has player Command and Control.

I would also make all raid difficulties 10s with more diverse mechanics that play to different comps.

Final bosd would be a 40. Although you could bring less if ppl want to outgear or outlvl. So not a hard 40. Just tuned 40.

Everyone would hate me though!

No they aren’t. Cheating would be an addon causing the bosses to drop dead without attacking them.

You need to go look up the meaning of the word cheating.