I don’t think they run through it at all.
Next question?
I don’t think they run through it at all.
Next question?
lol…fair point.
Oh what cuz i said that FFXIV doenst allow addons which is a FACT and that it has more subs which is also a FACT. And I baited that other forum troll into looking at a tie that shows player count and not subs when we were talking about subs. So i was right about that. I am right on both part. FFXIV has more subs…FACT. FFXIV does not allow addons, FACT. I am right on both parts. Me being right about something that you do not like does not make me a troll… you know what it does make me? It makes me right.
Those who keep saying I am wrong when I am not wrong are the trolls here, not me who is simply stating facts. Sorry that you are incapable of knowing how to Google a sub count for yourself and need other people to do it for you… not my problem…it’s yours.
So I was right on both points that I made, FFXIV has more active subs than WoW, FFXIV does not allow addons. Both are FACTS. But since each and everyone of you say that I am wrong on those two points… go ahead… prove me wrong. Prove to me that WoW has more active subs than FFXIV and that FFXIV allows addons. Link your proof that you are right about that and I am wrong about that. I’ll wait on your link that proves me wrong.
I never once said 30 million ACTIVE, I said 30 million subs. There are 3 million DUAs. DUA values are different than sub values. Going off that logic, WoW only has 939,637 DUAs. a DUA is NOT the same as a sub.
So don’t post DUA vs sub values or subs vs total player values to try and make a point. All 3 sources give different values and people such as yourself really seem not to be able to know how to tell them apart.
Still trolling I see. No because of the FACT that youre making things up and number up lol
SUUUurre whatever you say. Let me get you a pacifier. Don’t need to continue lying on here trying to make yourself look like an adult lol
There is literally nothing wrong with using addons to help you in games.
Stop attacking people for using them. It just makes you look like a tool.
Go to Statista. Go on. See the 30 million I am talking about. Don’t talk about being an adult here when you have to say lol every time you begin to get nervous here.
You made the claim, the burden of proof is on you. You’ll be taught that in highschool at some point…unless you live in the south US lol
I love to laugh at children throwing a fit.
You’re the child here. Must have partental controls on. That’s why you cant go to other sites to look up what I told you… Parents locking you out of using full Google searches? That’s okay. Glad I was able to do the searches for you since you weren’t able to. I told you the site to go to, but you were unable to do so… restricted internet access for you I’m guessing.
If your searches werent locked, you would have been able to go to that site and looked up the 30 million number that I said. But all you can use is standard Google without being able to click on any of it’s links, hence why you cant get any info past the first few sentences of any search.
You still here crying that people are calling out your lies?
Well unlike children on a Friday night, I actually have work in the morning. Remember to brush your teeth before bed.
It’s not a lie the 30 million number I just said and the site I said it was on. But you can’t look it up. That’s funny. Parental Google search locks are something else, aren’t they? Must suck not being able to click on anything past the first link after a search. I am able to get info online that you are not able to get, yes I get the EXACT same results that you go when just using standard Google search before clicking on any other part to go to another site, but clicking on a site shows the info that I talked about. Look it up. Lets see if you can do it or if you really are locked. You’re the one who started throwing out these insults about being a child here so I thought maybe you are upset that is what you are faced with. You have yet to come up with any results past what standard Google states, no unique info from an actual site, so…you’re locked out of being able to do so.
Another dude who thinks he is god tier player and the rest are just cheating. Take your L.
In regards to DBM, it’s a matter of clarity of mechanics. WoW has, for a long time now, a culture that’s been built around these addons ever since the floodgates were left open and people were allowed to have any mod they wanted if they could write it in lua and if it stayed within certain parameters set by Blizzard.
Unlike FF14, the mechanics in WoW are NOT clear OR inferrable what they do from a mere glance, and if you don’t believe me, how many times that god damn MFing swirly shows up in raids with just a different color swap? If it sounds like I’m tilted about it, it’s because a multi-billion dollar company has reused that freaking swirl MULTIPLE times and it often carries different mechanical meaning, rather than making assets to actually TRANSLATE what it ACTUALLY does. FF14 has had the luxury of learning from other MMOs how to show hazards, and how you should respond to them appropriately.
Most players who pick up FF14 can figure out what most of the symbols and markers mean, and more importantly, THESE REMAIN LARGELY CONSISTENT IN ALL ITERATIONS OF THE GAME. Hall of the Novice even teaches you some of these things. You see that swirly in a raid fight in WoW, it could mean something WILDLY different depending on the fight. You could take the time to read the dungeon journal, but that would spoil you on seeing and learning the fight for yourself. The fact that WoW refuses to teach mechanics through gameplay and instead rely on you having PRIOR KNOWLEDGE before tackling it is something that continues to bother me.
So players developed tools to help make mechanics clearer to interpret. WoW does not make use of telegraphed animations to dictate where you should stand to not die, nor do they use other context clues to tell you what’s coming up - not in a way that translate WHAT the mechanic will do without having a text prompt outright tell you what to do.
There’s a lot of design techniques that the developers could use to lessen the reliance on addons, whether it be through NPC dialogue in a fight or other contextual clues. Hell, take the last boss in City of Threads. You have her drop orbs on the ground that damage anyone who touches them, but what’s this??? They move! And what denotes where they’ll end up? A god damn purple swirly (and on purple flooring?! Blizzard you shouldn’t have. Really, you shouldn’t have. Send whomever made that back to art school to learn some god damn color theory FFS. IDIOT decision - I will never not be mad about this).
Clarity would be using something like the arrow asset on the ground that you see from abilities like Mistcaller to show you exactly WHERE the danger zone is instead of it being a vague mix of chaos in an already chaotic fight. But they don’t. Why? Hell if I know. These people barely do thorough tests of their games anymore with how buggy TWW has been, and it shows.
It’s clunk. It’s entirely because of the clunk. The fact that there’s so much clunk and clutter to deal with in this ancient as hell game has created a space where people benefit from addons addressing an issue that the devs refuse to address properly. Factor in that addons actually make the game more accessible, and you have a formula for not really doing anything.
Mind you, I’m 100% for addons. In the right context, they’re wonderful tools to have, and they make the game more accessible. A lot of the ones I used to use for years, like bartender4 and Healbot made the game a lot easier for me to play due to IRL conditions. A lot of these features are baseline now and integrated into the game, but they weren’t always. Hell, moving your bars around is a relatively new feature to be in the base game.
I mean for god’s sake, we used to need an addon to show how close others were compared to having the boss ignore the tank and turn to slap you.
If you play without them, cool, whatever, but until you have both Ultimates AND CE achievements under your belt, kindly shut the hell up. And even if you do have them, STILL kindly shut the hell up.
I played FFX1V and it wasn’t difficult at all; I felt the dungeons were easy, really easy. (And a of of cut scenes!)
If you want to play a very difficult game where the only way you can advance is to learn, Elden Ring is the game to try. (NG +10 and I still love it!)
A lot of the people who brag that they’re so good because they never use addons are kidding themselves.
Is the addon Healers must die still around. Was a thing when I was on a PvP realm 04-11, and it would mark enemy healers before match would even start so you could focus them all fight. I played a Protection Warrior and Restoration Shaman back then.
Using MaxDps is only optimal if you’re hitting a target dummy and even then it’s likely only 85% optimal. That number drops in any actual content.
Every single player who is doing Savage and above is learning their whole rotation down to every GCD and oGCD hit over 6 minutes, what their bis gear is at different specific GCD speeds, and information about bugs/interactions for their job from the Balance discord and are not just trialing and erroring learning their whole rotation from scratch. Anybody who is non-blind raiding are using strats made by other people. The only players that aren’t handed raid strats are the people who are doing blind prog.
The vast majority of FFXIV players are playing it because of the story and only engage with PvE content because thats the only way to see the story. Because of that, the vast majority of PvE content and rotations are made to be so brain dead easy in order to minimize the chance that a player is unable to play well enough to see the story to the point where as long as your tank and healer play somewhat ok it can be done. Only like 10% of FF14 players are doing hardcore PvE content. And there are still a large amount of players who use addons in PvE content, mainly ACT for a damage meter. FF14 is a better single player game than it is a MMO in reality.
That thing is that I’d say FF14 is 100% worse at teaching you the stuff that you need to know in order to succeed in hard content because about 90% of that information isn’t needed to get through the MSQ. You could get through the MSQ just by spamming your 1-2-3 combo if you wanted. Doing extremes and higher basically necessitates consuming hours upon hours of guides and the expectation when pugging is that you know the strats they are listing.
A new player wanting to go do a current extreme or get into savage is full on required to go to the Balance to understand how their Job even functions because the game doesn’t teach you any of it because it’s not necessary at all to get through the MSQ or any other story based content. The entirety of FF14’s challenging content is literally held up by prior knowlege gained from 3rd party sources.
The Hall of Novices also completely does nothing to teach you about AoE vs Single Target, how mitigation works, Role based Utility,
As of recent there are multiple kinds of swirlies that are visual distinct. You can differentiate different such as being able to tell what an damaging AoE is versus a Soak on a player.
Wait which addon helps you avoid giant insta death swirlies that blend in with the floor?