Addon to Display Parses

You’re the one claiming to have better parses then me. Prove it bonerover the grey.

I do. I have nothing to prove to you because again.

You witnessing my logs still leaves us all with your, mediocre ones.

Come on man I want to have a laugh at your ret pallies parses that you claim are so good.

Come on man. You’re not going to see them until you bring someone comparable to the table.

I do almost 2k more dps than you do on Anub as a prot paladin.

Do you know how to cleave?

Source: trust me bro.

Need me to start ragging on you again?

After all I am the superior player

Well I would’ve believed that until I saw that you were getting out dpsed by ferals and ret paladins in your raids.

Don’t worry my parses are public.

Heck my median performance is higher than your BEST performance…

But you should expect nothing less from me because I’m the superior player

Who’s better… Worst dps spec that is at the bottom, or one of the best dps specs that is getting out dpsed by some of the worst dps specs in the game.

Imagine thinking you are good at a game in which you play one of the best dps specs and youre getting straight up obliterated on the meters by a ret paladin :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

It’s hard work being this good.

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hehe, I got more pink. Don’t you know, I’m cooler by default.
Not my rules mate.

Watching ret and arms fight is like watching 2 kindergarten chunks fight over last cookie. You both suck muahahaha

…but then again, I’m a resto druid. I should be the last person to be taken seriously. Here for just :poop: 's and giggles. Ignore me.

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Link us your last kt fight when your got obliterated by a ret paladin and a feral druid

Yet I’m still smoking you…

I’m happy to suck, I’m playing a spec that’s meant to suck. The self proclaimed giga Chad frost mage superior player is literally getting out dpsed by a ret paladin is his raids.

Yeah, I’m playing an arms warrior, you should be beating me. You should also be beating ret paladins… But uhhhhhhhh

I mean, to be completely honest, it all boils down to that - knowing what is what.
Going into a 15 year old content, being well aware of the meta/spec performance, and then complain it aint good enough is kinda silly.

It’s kinda like asking Sub rogues to be buffed, though it’s pretty much a PvP spec.
That’s the thing about classic - some specs just have their own roles and they can only perform in 1 particular scenario"
Sub rogues are pure PvP spec.
Frost mage spec is pretty much a PvP spec with some leveling perks…
Blood DKs as DPS is utter dog poop, until arppen cap in ICC patch
Arms warrs outside of P1 are pretty much PvP only spec.

Rets will shine, eventually.

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Maybe you just don’t get how parses work?

I’m arcane.

On a single fight where I was mind controlled…

Your desperation is really starting to show

Lol you love to make excuses. It’s not my fault that your ret paladin is better than you. It’s your own fault. You literally press 3 buttons and you should be miles ahead of a ret pally in dps. But your ret pally absolutely wipes the floor with you lol.

I think they’re in love.