Have they been actioned for spamming or just squelched? There’s a distinction between the automated system and actually being punished by the GMs.
Except I didn’t give an opinion of my own in that comment, I just relayed how Blizzard is handling it now. It doesn’t matter if they have allowed something for over a decade, as of right now people are still allowed to use the addon anyway. Players just aren’t allowed to spam, by the terms that Blizzard considers, chats anymore.
It’s easier to think about what you say and make sure it makes sense before you post it.
from the other thread
From what I have read, it is unclear. Some say a GM talked to them and other just said they could no longer talk. Honestly, I think the GMs are over reacting if they are taking action an the auto silence should be enough until the mod author fixes the situation.
I’ll believe it when I see someone from Blizz confirm that it’s happening.
“I hate it, so it should be illegal.”
Worst argument ever. Should just focus on, “The only useful information that should ever be announced is a rare spawning, a rare being pulled, and a rare dying.” But it should have some player interaction so it isn’t announced by half a dozen people at once.
I wouldn’t know, I only logged on to play briefly before going back to other stuff before raid, so I’m not sure how bad the “problem” actually is. Not like people use General chat to hold relevant conversations about anything and need it to be empty to be sure they don’t miss the next famous Maleficious Quip. Because I won’t post one.
Except you’re still responding, therefore there is still spam. If you want there to be no more, then you need to stop trolling.
Ya know what? Your right i am so upset someone is posting useful information into general chat instead of the normal cancer that flows through it…
Holy ####, there is an addon that is this usful and then there are trolls like the OP that dislike it?
Why not just ask to break DBM on a Sunday next time.
I don’t think I have ever seen blizzard discuss account actions of this nature but ok.
And yet here we are with you posting nonsense again and again.
If Blizzard actually considered these addons to be spam, they would have broken them over a decade ago. The fact that these addons continue to function is proof that they’re still allowed to be used.
Just because people are abusing the automated squelch system doesn’t mean that anything has changed on Blizzard’s end.
You keep on repeating yourself and are still trolling yourself as well as constantly derailing this thread. Keep on topic or just leave.
They have discussed addons that are no longer allowed. Usually with a warning before breaking the addon.
What addons are you thinking of, I actually have played over 9 years and have never seen addons that spam chat like this.
I am not sure it is the addon’s that are at fault here though. It is the fact that there are a number of different ones being used and the number of people using them.
Except that people are being silenced, not squelched.
I thought you were done?
Disagreeing with you =/= trolling. Making baseless claims without proof and refusing to provide proof upon request is.
The thread is on-topic. I do not agree with the OP (or you). Nor do many others. The fact that we disagree =/= derailing a thread. Stating that you are done here, but hanging around to troll IS derailing a thread.
These are public forums. I have as much a right to post here as anyone else, provided I abide by the CoC. Which I have. You, however, continued to troll as if this game owes you what you want. Unfortunately for you, it doesn’t.
The difference is DBM doesn’t spam general chat with it’s information. It is uses a channel that everyone using DBM in the raid uses. If you can not tell the difference between that and one using general chat, well there is nothing I can say that probably wouldn’t get me in trouble…
I don’t think you know what the CoC are. You have repeatedly said you are flagging me which is considered trolling and people have been given forum vacations for. You keep saying I am trolling which I am not. You keep making up rules expecting I should follow them, you have on a couple of occasions being insulting. You keep trying to derail the thread with personal attacks.
And see, you just keep it up - another post coming from you.
I am just not going to respond to you anymore. Have fun.
Yeah, true. But the OP thinks any helpful addon that post in any chat channel is bad for the game and thinks it is against the ToS, so I was just giving him a reply.
if there were 20 people announcing every rare, or there were multiple rares up all the time getting announced at the same time, then i’d agree this is a spam issue. but i’ve never once seen anything like that happen. i’m not sure i’ve ever seen the same rare get announced more than 3 times and typically it’s just spawn and death. and more than one rare being shouted about at the same time isn’t really that common even in mechagon, basically nonexistent in nazjatar.