Additional Adjustment to Lightning Breath

ITT: Trash hunters in this thread who want their pets to 1v1 other players.

How is Rogue more fun or interesting? Saber Slash is just Sinister with a DoT.

in the future wait a week and pay attension to warcraft logs before making each consecutive nerf. also play a warsong gulch game or two on the class. this will greatly help in preventing changes like this that will not only gut the class for this bracket but will make the class unplayable for the next season. also it does not make much lore sense at all really to have a hunter that is a “beast master” only inclined to tame one type of pet because the best “beast master” damage rune “kill command” only truly works on one or two pets in the game. i dont know food for thought.


So might as well delete the hunter? You’ve pigeon holed us into physical damage pets now.


You got killed by a pet 1v1.

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Now you’re just trolling lol - this thread is about Hunter changes, now you’re talking about Saber Slash. Tell me that you’ve completely abandoned your point of view without telling me you’ve completely abandoned your point of view. You just want to deflect and change the topic like someone wouldn’t notice or call you out for it.

Give up.


you will still be good in pve. marksman with cat actually parses high. in pvp though the class is now dead not only for this bracket for every bracket that they keep these changes.

You literally cc the pet you can sheep fear , you haven’t twinked PvP before right ?


Why don’t you just delete hunters? The treatment they have received has been disgusting.
Sounds like the Devs were getting owned by hunters and are crying


Im about to delete my hutner


Done now? Just asking as it’s getting rather tedious to keep lvling pets. Just to remind you, you guys are aware this isn’t retail where whatever we tame immediately dings to match our lvl? Pet loyalty is also a thing besides just the lvling them up.


Yet locks are nerfed lol they can 5v1 and win, a hunter pet can be feared, polyed or anything and then they’re useless

Your point would make sense if every other class became more fun and interesting at 25, which just isn’t true. Mage, outside of the healing gimmick, is not more fun or interesting. Warlock, outside of the tank gimmick, is not more fun or interesting.

If “gets a single role” is what it takes to be fun or interesting, then Warrior, Rogue, Priest, and Paladin should get compensation every change like Hunter as well no?

These people don’t even know how to keybind, by the 20 seconds it takes them to find and click their cc the pet has already killed them.

Warlock , and mage are extremely fun clssses lol , bro your so annoying !

When Scorpid was op , I faced an orc hunter I was able to kill him once because I cced pet with stun then divine shield the hunter , I used stone form for the poison and scoepid sting , we got a rematch and then he beat me because of frost trap which he setup up x there was counter play but a lot of these kids cause that’s what they are don’t realize hunters have a dead zone .

You didn’t follow the conversation and that’s fine. We’ll try again next time.

That poster complains about dying to procs in-general. Best not to really pay them much mind.

Exactly how does my point not make sense? No other class so far has received the extent of reworks or changes that Hunter has, whether it was the correct call or not is besides the point, we’ve not been given anything to substitute that, and not to mention that we have nothing in return that makes us unique from Era. Explain to me, honestly, how fun you think playing an Era class in SOD is? The only thing we provide now is Kings, which is fine, but what other unique thing do we use now?

Mage has Spellfire, Living Bomb, etc. which gives them way more damage and on demand burst than they had prior.

Warlock has Haunt, Chaos Bolt, amongst other extremely strong runes that make them vile in PvP and extremely competitive in PvE, so much so that they are brought for more than Curse of the Elements.

How is it that you can’t even be consistent with your own points?


Bro you been chilling here literally offering nothing but none sense like they already shut you down . But keep going . We want to hear all about it .
Literally one comment above is another one shutting you down.