Additional Adjustment to Lightning Breath

Re-buff chimera shot to 125%. It’s that simple. Blizzard, you are not going to balance hunters in pvp at this level. They are going to be broken one way or another if they are to be balanced in pve at all. If you are going to keep us at 50% of warrior damage in raids so that we can be balanced in pvp, please let us know, as there are a lot of hunters who do not PvP.


Season of Discovering that Aggrend hates it when you can kill paladins.


No they are not, pets don’t even survive the fights.

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A buff to chimera shot would be good for hunters, but not for me. I’m a first time hunter and only wanted to be BM and I only PVP. Blizzard is lame, screw SOD.

You want to know what will fix it? The unsub button, plain and simple. They only care about their pocket book and not the players.

Didn’t they already release that based on the current information, marksman is one of the worst specs for battles lasting more than 45 seconds? like, 2nd worst in the game?


You’ve shifted the goal posts. These abilities do more damage, but they are not intrinsically fun or interesting. Now it’s not that Hunters aren’t getting compensated with fun, it’s that they are not getting compensated by being very strong in PvP (which they are).

How is it that you can’t even be consistent with your own points?


Amazing, another nerf.

Why dont you just change the allowed pets to tame for two cats and bears.

Come on give us another lazy solution.


This is probably one of the biggest reaches I’ve ever seen on these forums, and that’s saying a lot because I’ve seen some REAL unhinged takes on here. For clarity sake for the class:

Moving the goalposts is a metaphor, derived from goal-based sports, that means to change the rule or criterion of a process or competition while it is still in progress, in such a way that the new goal offers one side an advantage or disadvantage

At no point did I change the rules or make any adjustments to my stance. I have been consistent in my logic the entire time, which has been a simple philosophy, runes that expand upon your class to elevate it above era in terms of gameplay.

Do I need to say anything else? I feel like you’re really trying to be right here by catching me off-guard with something unrelated, but right now you are swinging to miss each time you’re up to bat brother. Not really sure what else to tell you.

Perhaps a viable solution.


Up next, ammunition damage reduced by 90% across the board.

This should put hunters active abilities more in line with autoattack damage…


Why are you pigeon holing BM into melee only pets blizzard?


Bro like you are wasting time on him he just wants attention he is a cutie calling chaos bolt living bomb or haunting not fun . This man clearly has never played mage or lock . Chaos bolt is one of the funnest abilities and so is living bomb , I mean just let him keep going he only embarrassed himself .


sounds like an abuser, CY@

I’m aware that it’s just trolling at this point and I’m not at all invested into this that heavily to really care that much about it. I think that it’s worth the time to discuss purely to exemplify the absurdity of the situation, and less about him per-se. He can say what he wants, and that’s fine, he’s allowed to, he has an account, and as long as he’s not breaking forum rules, he can do that. He isn’t going to prove me wrong.

That said, it’s more to put pressure on the balance team for constructive criticism in regards to the changes.

They should just make Kill Command an ability like retail with say a 6 second cooldown that does instant damage. Gives us another ability to press at least.


But this is not what you said. You said fun and interesting. Doing more damage is not elevating. Arcane Blast doesn’t elevate Arcane, it just makes the damage bar go up. Elevating Arcane would be making fundamental changes so it plays differently than how Arcane plays literally one expansion later from Era lol

I mean, it doesn’t get any more obvious than any of this, if everything needs to be explicitly stated for you, then perhaps conversation with this level of depth isn’t quite up to your caliber quite yet, which isn’t mean to be offensive, that’s just how it is. Once again, I fail to see your point because it’s so shallow.

If your definition of “damage bar go up” isn’t elevating in spite of all the unique things that I have pointed out in the past, then you are way beyond worth discussing because at that point you just have a fundamental misunderstanding of what SOD is.

What is shallow is trying to say that Living Bomb makes Fire fun or interesting lol

I get it, you want to see the line go up while playing a class that takes no effort to make that line get up. But thankfully Blizzard is not giving in to those demands.

At this point, you are trying to connect dots that don’t exist and making points that don’t make sense in a vain attempt to be correct. You’ve completely abandoned your original point because you were proven wrong on multiple occasions and still cannot see that you are failing to make any valid points. Even going as far to make an assumption on what my intent is, despite it being clearly stated for you on multiple occasions.

I’ve made my points, they still stand, and I promise you have all the time in the world to figure out how to articulate a coherent, consistent point. If you choose to continue to attack the straw-man and still somehow manage to find a way to lose, you do that in front of everybody.

At this point you’d rather just insult people instead of string together coherent points. So you do you.

it’s not about fixing the obviously broken thing, it’s that the fix is lazy