Additional Adjustment to Lightning Breath

This is MM hunters using scorpid pets before the nerf FYI, wait a week then you’ll see.


Why does your class matter at 25 but ours doesn’t and can wait until “the real content”?


Rogues were nerfed as Saber Slash was going through bleed immunity–it is now no longer.

Why does your class matter at 25 but ours doesn’t and can wait until “the real content”?

Rogue had design issues as well that have been fixed. Hunter’s design issue right now is pets and is more important than how hard Arcane Shot hits.

This makes literally no sense. I’d strongly suggest taking a few minutes to think about this and try again.

So far we’ve had the following nerfed:

  1. Explosive Shot
  2. Chimera Shot
  3. Scorpids
  4. Pet Scaling
  5. Kill Command

Now looking at the unique abilities that Hunter has that hasn’t been nerfed:

  1. Lion
  2. Flanking Strike (buffed)
  3. Carve

Are you really going to sit here and attempt to argue with me that we aren’t actively being pushed into Melee? Which is underbaked, lazy and horrible game design for the only class that primarily uses a Ranged Weapon, especially when it wasn’t well received on Retail, and trying to do it again, on here? Not to mention that over 50% of our active game-changing changes have been nerfed or completely gutted? Regardless of whether you agree with it or not, doesn’t change that fact, and it makes you look incredibly silly to argue that.


Every BFD i do Hunter class still are on top of dps metters.

The “real content of the game” is now, p1 is just as much “real content” as p2 and p3+ will be.

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Perhaps you would like to take a look for yourself at the logs.

Open up warcraft logs and choose Vanilla and then select BFD for the raid once it loads.

Feel free to change the boss and scroll right the way down, you will notice a severe lack of the supposed Broken green class.


I literally get a headache reading this my main is not even a hunter but Damon the hate is real looks like many people haven’t twinked PvP and understood hunter is king . Now that classes have tools for good 25 PvP their goal is to make sure hunter is the worst class before sod hunters where still twins kings how it’s looking looks like it will be rogues then paladins. Then locks .


Can you point me to the community council this was said in? I’m assuming it means that serpent and arcane shot will never scale with AP? But I’m unsure how they patched in pet scaling without affecting the Era database so it makes me have hope? Should I not?

You need to find better rogues and warriors then. Clearly they aren’t pressing their buttons.

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The issue really is the fact they are not trying to balance the abilities they are nerfing they are flat out GUTTING THEM.

Scorpid was supposed to do the same damage at 5 stacks so it would just ramp. (btw it resists ALOT and if you can get it to 5 stacks it wont last)Damage was completed gutted it does not do the same damage at 5 stacks.

Kill command literally works with 2 of the however many (13 i believe) special pet abilities.


hes just a troll ignore him

We need serpent sting and arcane shot to scale with RAP, and we need Chimaera shot and Explosive shot to do something useful YESTERDAY.

Serpent being trash just makes Chimaera even more trash. Viper and Scorpid Sting don’t scale either.


I can’t take someone seriously when you think all the stuff listed was somehow well balanced lol. Just proves that Hunters are not in a stable mindset to discuss changes to their class (we’ve known this since 2004).

maybe you should learn and follow statistical websites instead of listening to random youtubers and you’ll actually make a comment that’s not complete unintuitive nonsense.


At what point did I say it was balanced? This is my point. You have made up your mind before wanting to talk to anyone on here.

I feel like some of you cannot read.


You want compensation when you already are the best dps

So you have made kill command not work on over half pet damage abilities now.

At this point the purpose of the rune is failing to be achived so why not change it?

Make it tbc kill command. This fixes multiple issues. No more issues with pet burst. Hunters have a button to push. It alters gameplay by reacting to critical hits instead of being meme (which is what you have made it into now), and lastly it will be FAR easier to balance into being a good ability instead of nerfed into oblivion like you have done with explosive shot, chimera shot, and now kill command.


Now we’ve gotten the first half, read the second half.

This aged so well it’s almost scripted LMAO


So Gorillas thunder clap wont work? Ruining the experience… big time. Not interested in gearing the hunter, will i guess make another char or quit.