Additional Adjustment to Lightning Breath

So, with all the recent “fixes” to hunter pets, we are now in a situation where total pet health has been nerfed by roughly 30%, armor by roughly 10%, most offensive pet abilities no longer benefit from Kill Command, and some have had their baseline “adjusted” as well.

Now, we have to use runes to even get our pets back to where they were before the SoD runes in the first place, the only upside being that the runes allow for some additional Focus regen and Growl now being an actual taunt.

Add to that the nerfs to Explosive Shot and Chimera Shot. We are left with nothing but passive bonuses from runes which do nothing for the gameplay.

What’s the point?

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Boars about to be strong af too

And generally speaking the class is nerfed if they are on top by a disproportionate amount.


This isn’t utility in a raid setting which is how Blizzard balances classes.

You just get kicked.

I have constantly said and I look at gameplay and design when explaining my thoughts. Deadzone was always bad design it should be removed today. They also should be very capable with Ranged weapons in Melee range. I look at someone like Legolas from Lord of the Rings when I think of a Hunter/Ranger type.

So I also think there should be a new rune - Power Shot that is with your Bow but in melee range. Really spice up combat for Hunter so they are capable with both Bow/Melee in short range.

This is healthy for everyone where Pets ruin gameplay with their design for everyone.

We’re only above during p1.

You’ve been told a million times the class does not scale.

Which means rogues and warriors get much stronger as phases go on.

All of the hunters abilities do not scale.

Yet other class have them and still do competitive dps.


True there aren’t another 50 runes coming out that can help with scaling. Nailed it bud.

Yet other class have them and still do competitive dps.

Balance and Shadow and Mages are really competitive!!

Would love to show me those runes?..

Since we get “scaling runes” and other classes get much better DPS runes?..


Fix those classes, don’t nerf hunters.

Clearly hunter hate.

The classes are actually fine. The issue isn’t numbers; it has always been design. HOW the numbers are attained and not what the actual hard numbers are.

Clearly Hunter brain.

So you’re penalizing the community because the devs designed them this way?..


Alright buddy.

Your hate is showing.


Are they fine or are they not?

Yes, they are fine. They bring utility so that is why they are not competing to be top DPS. Brutal that Hunter brain is incapable of understanding these basic design principles.

right and hunters bring zero utility so why cant we bring top dps?


I’ll take owned for 500 alex.

You can CC adds if necessary. Your pets can now easily off-tank if necessary (a lot of speedrun groups are forgoing having a second tank for a hunter pet right now). You have Kings for Horde. With Lion now being an Aura, the gateway to bringing every Paladin buff for Horde is now on the table.

CC adds with pet taunt?..

Cant use traps in combat.


Did you not see the pet hp/armor nerf?..

One aura buff doesn’t make it god-like utility like other classes.

Ah sorry. I forgot the forums are still doing feelscraft instead of looking at empirical evidence from the logs we have post-nerf. My bad! Carry on.

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With how they have handledhunter runes so far, it wont help.

Chinera shot and explosive shot had their scaling gutted. They were our best scaling runes.

The base damage on explosive was definatly to high, but now its a joke.

Well you’re making the claim?..

It’s on you to provide that proof.

You also disregarded the rest of my post, running out of info here?

that hate runs deep.

Probably still suffering from :scorpion: trauma

Uh really


Oh my gah really

Yeah SoD will never be good if it really is shared.

There’s no reason to regard things presented with no empirical evidence. Logs have been linked all over this thread, it isn’t on me to ensure you know how to open links.

Okay buddy.

You’re clearly not here for honest discussion.

I’ll move on from your trolling.

That scorpion trauma messed up their wires.