Additional Adjustment to Lightning Breath

Your just trolling at this point.

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It’s not trolling to not engage with someone whose entire argument of “can’t use traps in combat” at level 25 is somehow disproving the fact Hunters bring similar kit tricks as other classes at the level this game was designed for lol


We have no Stuns/cc/interrupts in combat…

Yea, loose screws for sure

True! Scatter Shot, Feign Death, Intimidation will not exist in this game. We are playing at level 25 for the rest of SoD and the upcoming abilities should not be discussed.

Hunter brain is not worth trying to save, sadly.

we’re talking about p1.

When you have to bring other phases you lost the convo.

By your logic warriors and rogues become #1 and should never be adjusted.


Big L buddy.

We are not talking about p1. Only you are talking about p1. Blizzard are making changes for the health of the whole of SoD, they don’t care what class is top DPS of p1. They didn’t nerf Hunters because they did a lot of damage, they nerfed Hunters because of where that damage was coming from.

Largest L of the thread, honestly.

Shhh. That part doesnt work with his argument.

Read above bud, will help your Hunter brain.

They just nerfed windserpents base damage test it out guys literally a ninja hotfix , been grinding my alt all morning and went from 100 damage a cast to 60-70

big they continue to buff warriors and rogues with massive utility knowing they are gods later on?..

Yea bro.

Big L for you

thanks for proving my point.

Then why are all your complaints about hunters in p1 and how all the nerfs are needed?

Rogues were just nerfed what are you talking about LMAO

but they have shadow step? don’t have to apply poisons deadly brew does it for them so they benefit from WF.

They got a lot of fun things.

Hunter’s got an aura.

rogues get 3 stuns + vanish/sprint/evasion.

You’re missing the point and it shows

Show me where their utility was nerfed.

I’ll wait.

The scorpion poison hit your brain.


The trends we are seeing were systematic design issues and would have continued into later phases. None of my complains are about “Hunters in p1” but rather the fact pets were doing a disproportionate amount of damage resulting in low-skill effort to achieve similar results of other classes.

but they have shadow step?

damn now we’re shifting goalposts from “Blizzard are buffing Rogues” to “Rogues got Shadowstrike”. Which isn’t Shadowstep.

It’s not shifting the goalpost…

It’s an amazing new spell they got that helps their entire kit.

Hunters got nothing.

They also got a ranged stun.

Making it 3 stuns total

that guy is a troll just report him

i literally had the same conversation except more flushed out and he’ll just ignore 90% of your post and just respond to one sentence in it. just report him so he gets banned from the forums


This guy doesn’t even read tooltips to know that BtE shares a CD with Kidney lol…

Hunter brain is actually beyond saving.

Who cares?..

that option makes them amazing and fun to play.

how about hunters?

Wheres our options?

Wow that 180 was so quick I’m getting whiplash

Yea, disregard my post.

Ty for getting rolled.