Adding Transmogrification Early

yet you’re asking for a cataclysm feature…

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Interns ofc, just like everything else we get!

Prob the Kekw guy too!

A valid counter to your ideology doesn’t make me a bully rofl. Its not good for PVP whatsoever.

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Didn’t say this, didn’t mean this, you don’t get it.

No it wasn’t , you’re literally insane. Seek help.

And? It’s a feature that should have been there since day one, and it’s coming in the next expansion anyway. So why wait? I like Classic, but I’m not a fanatic.

Nothing you said was valid. I took your threat assessment argument apart in that same paragraph. If you’re scared to fight people with equal gear, then don’t PvP. You’re not supposed to see the other player’s hand in a poker game, and this is no different. Learn to fight more intuitively.

again why are you asking for a cataclysm feature if you are who you claim to be.

I think instead of transmog early they should just give us the race hertiage armor. Some of it is pretty good looking.

I cant transmog though without the replica classic pvp gear so i can walk around in the commander and grand marshall gear with rhok equipped.

Okay fairy, I was trying to be civil. There is no rationalizing with you smug retail weebs. Obviously you don’t PvP having no concern for the issue. I wouldn’t expect as much coming from a retail dragon twink.

Good attempt on trying to suggest another retail feature smashed into classic. Ain’t gonna happen :slight_smile:

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When even was transmog originally added? I keep forgetting. >.>

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Cataclysm iirc
along with I think void storage and reforging.

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75% of my bank is transmog RP gear(On Grobbulus). I have made bank guilds for my mats because I have no room in my normal bank. This goes for most of the Grob RP community.


Transmog wasnt youre idea :skull: i remember exactly what brought it to the game.

How would you handle plate wearers wearing leather/mail? Mail wearers wearing leather, cloth?

Try to expand your thinking. The fact that it’s coming in the next expansion means it’s inevitable, so what are you obsessing about? Why not let it come now and allow fans to better customize their characters? Please think instead of following blindly.

Says the guy wearing an entire Transmog set. You weren’t being civil, you were talking nonsense. The PvP excuse doesn’t fly, and it doesn’t excuse your selfishness. As for PvPing, don’t kid yourself. I’d incinerate you.

I clearly don’t play retail anymore. It’s lazy, adventureless, vapid, and a complete sellout to idiotic trends.

And? Finish what you were saying. You were saying you remember exactly what brought it to the game? Do tell.

I started as far back as the first year of WoW, so trust me, it was my idea. Though I originally proposed it as “Item Fusion”, where you could take the appearance and proc abilities of an item and fuse it with a stronger item to make it more powerful. I evolved the concept many times over the years, but it generally equaled Transmogrification.

ROFL this RP fairy, ooooh im shakin in my boots hahahahah

I always felt like Transmog was a great thing but as expansions came and went, the design choices to some gear just became recolored. At one point I started to raid harder content for how cool the gear looked, then expansions came and went and nothing really great came, so I think I used TBC/Wrath gear a lot for transmog for a long time…weapons being the exception, It just felt after awhile they didn’t care about making cool gear.

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Youre literally telling us in every response. It wasnt your idea bro. The actual idea for transmog was posted on these forums at the end of wotlk and blizzard even responded saying they would forward the idea to the right people.

Then it came out at the end of cata.

RP fairy? Says the guy who needs to cherry pick low geared targets… You’re playing the wrong game, if you think customization and story aren’t part of it.

Yet you can’t name any times or dates. Or confirm that wasn’t my post in the first place. I wrote multiple Transmogrification posts over the years, many of which predated that one. So yeah, my idea.

Don’t bother, he’s clearly mentally ill. If you’re curious though they actually stole the idea from other mmos, transmog was in half a dozen by the time it came to wow. The biggest at the time being rift which was the first to actually threaten wow sine EverQuest 2 died on arrival right before wow launch.