Adding Transmogrification Early

That’s not how transmog worked. you could only do your main armor type. plate could only transmog plate, etc.


this is why

I don’t think you understand my post.

It shows why transmog does not work in anything pre cata.

Then don’t. Doesn’t mean you have to impose on others.

Same answer. You not wanting to Transmog doesn’t mean others shouldn’t. It’s egocentric of you to deny others the option.

Transmog is neat to play with. Some of the past armor sets looked way better than current. That said I am perfectly fine waiting for it. The PVP concerns are somewhat valid but there is an easy fix for this. They could simply add it in that any time PVP is enabled then transmog graphics are disabled.

I don’t quite understand the upset about it. Most people won’t care too much to use it in the first place. It’s a QoL feature for RP’ers and people won’t don’t want to look at badly designed gear.

I hear you play better if you look good. ; )

People don’t wear one armor type until cata. It can’t work.

The guy who says he invented transmog is calling people egocentric lol

There’s a difference between being factually right, and someone who’s so selfish that he’d deny others a customization upgrade because of his own OCD obsession with keeping classic the same. It’s an upgrade to the game, not a fundamental change, so stop your whining.

It’s for more creative thinkers, but harmless to the others who just roll with what they get. It only helps the game. You don’t even have to be an RP’er to enjoy a good set of gear.

Huh? Armor types exist in the current expansion. Cloth, leather, mail, and plate. What is missing exactly? It’ll work and it’s easy to implement.

You’re factually wrong though, they took transmog from other mmos. Also you do not understand the opinion that I want the cosmetic representation of gear to connect to the actual equipment. You can’t comprehend it because you clearly have some serious problems. I can clearly understand why you want transmog, I get it, it makes sense. I just do not want to play a game with that system, I find it vapid.

Okay so what if there was an option to disable viewing transmogs on your end? That would result in the same experience for you.

Yep, I’d be totally fine with that.

Plate wears plate,leather and mail.
Leather wears leather and cloth
Mail wears leather, mail, cloth.

There is no 5% stat for wearing your armor type until cata.

I believe he’s refering to that in the original implementation of transmog you could only transmog within armor types, not the 5% bonus for wearing the correct armor type.

Actually there were quite a few more restrictions, there was no appearance tab, appearances weren’t account wide, if you wanted to transmog something you had to take both items to the guy and do it.

keep dreaming. we cant even get them to fix the group finder tool. noones even working on this game anymore. its literally dead

Well, you can still only mog over your highest armor class. Plate mogs plate over plate, etc.

But plate rarely wears plate atm. Same with most armor classes.

Mog is in cata because of how mog works, the only way it would work in classic is if armor type didn’t matter and it would cause all sorts of issues.

Oh my god holy molly no no one liked that system when it was in everyone was so much happier when transmike got changed in mop You just should have To acquire that piece of gear One time on one tune inch be stored in your.

Image gallery That’s almost worse than not having transmog at all personally. I think it’s completely Fine if you’ve done a quest you get all Of those images that’s completely fine to me. You still have to acquire the peace of gear at least once.

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