Adding More Gender Options?

A physical-gender slide, along a spectrum of female to male, with none at center. :thinking:


I mostly enjoy these threads because of the jokes that can come out of them lol.


no no no and no. :slight_smile:


while i dont wana be that guy

it would make no sense for there to be an option out side of male or female other than appearance gender plays no role in anything

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It’s ok, most of the thread is that guy.


It doesn’t actually say your gender in the game, you just have the appearance of that gender. Therefore if you identify as something else, there’s really nothing holding you back.


We already have androgynous options (Blood Elf, as one example).

Don’t lump us all together.

And by this I’m saying the slang / hipster term “boomer,” which means basically anyone “too old to get it,” not the actual term “boomer,” as in, “baby-boomer.”

So, yeah, as a “boomer,” I get gender and sexual identity issues. If being 44 means I am a “boomer,” which is silly, but whatever. I understand androgyny, sexuality, gender identity, and the juxtaposition of all those things.

The ridiculous irony is that I’m sitting here defending gender identity and sexual equality, while fending off ageism.

The goal is to look past all these things, yeah? To be accepted as an equal human no matter your gender identity, sexuality, race, creed, AGE, skin color or otherwise?

Go figure, people. You can’t pick and choose here. Everyone deserves all the equality.


I hate the whole boomer thing too. I’m the oldest at my magic playgroup (43) and someone said “okay boomer” (not to me, just mindlessly repeating the phrase) so I explained to them that a baby boomer is just anyone of my parents generation, so basically the joke is literally “okay, old person.” Hipsters do pretty much ruin all that is good.


One isn’t technically a boomer until they are 56


Real human biology is a bit messier than what we learn in school.

However, we are pretty much stuck with the character options Blizzard gives us. I can’t expect NPC chat to change considering how rarely it is tailored to character race or class.

There’s always TRP and MRP for the benefit of other players.

tbh i wouldnt mind seeing more gay relationships in WoW (if not thats cool) but the whole gender thing…no…please god no

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This thread and threads like it really bring out the worst in some people.

With everything going on, you would hope humans could be a bit nicer to each other…


I just found out that the Corona virus only affects males and females, thank goodness all the others are safe!


If someone asks you if your a male or female you do not get the option for “other” or any other options, it’s male or female.
Say a doctor is about to give you a prescription for a drug. You were born a female yet you say your a male so now he gives you the wrong dose and you get sick from the drugs.
On your own time if people want to psychologically think they are the other gender that their business. But in the real world there is only 2 genders.


But WoW is not the “real world”. It’s a fantasy role playing game with a variety of different character variations you can play. Your reasoning should not apply here.

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I want a character that is both genders so I can spontaneously create babies and hurl them at my enemies.


There’s only 2 genders,not up for debate


Doubtful…I mean have you ever really taken a good look at those Barber’s Chairs? Check out the arm rests and those lovely metal cuffs welded to them. lol It’s a 1 stop shop my friend. :wink:



That’s because there are only two choices, Male and Female, and this is how we procreate (make babies) and bring NEW life into the world, the game and real life reflect this!

You may be confused as to which you are OP, but if you google you will find the answer to this question, just match yourself to the pictures or drawings

If you need to shave your face daily or grow a beard, you are male

If you need to shave your legs daily, you are female

There is no third, forth, fifth, sixth, etc etc genders, this is all in your head!