Adding More Gender Options?

You have infinite gender customization right now, I’d say that’s an rp choice. You only have 2 choices when it comes to what sex your character is, which is biologically accurate.


Embarrassing that blizzard even acknowledges this mental illness.


Points at druid form and PG 13 rating

You. I like you. You’re one of the few people in this thread making sense.

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This thread is going places, Not school mind you, but places. XD

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It probably just means we might be getting Waveblade Ankoan as a player race!


Though I think of my “hunter” follower one as “female.”

No, because in real life there are also only two choices (that you are born being.) Just as in real life, you can roleplay whatever else in the game. Think of your character, at creation, just like you being “born” in real life. You are free to say your character is whatever gender/deal you want! :wink:

Glad I’m not alone in that. Ankoan are like Vulpera, you can’t tell them apart no matter which way you look at 'em.

I’m glad that’s an option now.

Not gonna lie it’d be pretty neat if they went the Cyberpunk route and let you make basically whatever you want gender wise.

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I’m not aware of any thing in game that says if someone is male or female? Then they can say they are w/e ingame. Why are we talking about such useless things in a video game? Like there aren’t more important things to fix in game and irl at the moment…

Sorry, those who know a bit of biology know better. Sex is a muddled mess with many variations that all interact with each other and eventually produce a phenotype, which will fall along a spectrum which we have decided one end means ‘male’ and one end means ‘female’ and many people stop thinking then and believe our naming something makes it concrete and real.

Fun fact, the SRY region usually found on the Y chromosome (it means Sex-determining Region of the Y chromosome) will produce a male if it can suppress the DAX genes usually found on the X or if they’re damaged in some way, but the geneset doesn’t care where it is. It can be on a X chromosome, happily suppressing the DAX genes and producing a male, who has no Y chromosome at all.

Biologists know sex, like every system in biological life, is not simple.


Just no. Keep it male and female. Go more into depth but these forums have very thin skin


You are the one confused, sex and gender are not the same thing. Sex is where your phenotype falls on the sex spectrum, whether on the side we’ve called ‘male’ or on the side we’ve called ‘female’. This only matters when procreating.

Gender is the set of expectations and requirements a society has placed on individuals, of which the society has sorted using sex as one of the criteria. Another criteria, sometimes more important, is an individual’s age (real or apparent). Children are not treated the same as adults, nor is as much expected of them. The elderly also have different expectations and allowed behavior. Each society constructs different concepts of gender, blissfully ignoring all other society’s concepts until they come into direct conflict, after which the individual has to change to match the chosen society or face the full wrath of those enforce the society’s rules (which is just about everyone, mostly those who fear they don’t quite measure up and find solace in punishing those who are obviously misfit).

No society, even those existing within countries in the current interconnected world, defines gender in exactly the same way as others, but we all pretend they do because otherwise those gender roles would be shown to be as superficial as they actually are.

PS, I’m female but I’m growing a mustache and haven’t shaved my legs for years. Don’t need to, they’re hairless.


I didn’t know about the SRY thing and I actually found a paper on it. Thanks for the interesting read :+1:

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No…just no,

Want binary? Add it to your canon-head

Want drag queen? Add some Mogadishu,

Want androgyny? Dress it androgyny

This post makes me cringe much



how. you would never know.

The nitty-gritty of what makes us, us, never fails to fascinate.

I’m probably going to get flagged for this, but I’ll say it anyways since it’s a fact.

Humans only have two biological genders, and one rare gender that is a combination of both due to genetic mutation.

Don’t hate me, hate nature.


Posted already. Gender isn’t biological.